My Hairline is Receding and I’m 20. Please Help
Well from the last year i think my hairline has been receding. I am 20 years old and i just have a strange feeling that it has started receding from the sides.. Please help..
You should see a doctor who offers ‘bulk analysis’ with the instrument called Haircheck. This will tell you fairly definitively, if you are starting to lose your hair. Some doctors have not acquired the instrument, so as you check the doctors in your area, call them and ask their office in advance if they have the instrument. You can also have a doctor look at your under a microscope for a Minaturization test. This can give you some objective (measurable) perspective on your hair status. In general most common cause of hairline receding for a 20 year old is genetic male pattern balding (MPB).
Receding from the sides? If you mean the temples that may be independent of your normal hairline – also I’d suggest most 20 year olds need to consider a normal maturing hairline before leaping to MPB – but the haircheck and micro study will give you a better understanding of whether you’re seeing a normal change in your hairline shape (mature hairline), temple/side recession (can be unique to this hair area) or is the early stages of balding (in which case you’re very young so there’s plenty of time to catch it with medical treatments or plan for hair surgeries if needed).