My Scalp Is Dry, Itchy, and Flaking — Now My Hair Is Falling Out In This Area!
Hi, I am a female in my 30’s and have a dry scalp and itch alone with some flaking or scaling? I am sending to photo (its OK to share these) and am hoping you can tell me what the problem is. My hair is falling out easy in this area and it is in the front! I have been putting oil on it to get moisture and have also been to the derm but they are unsure why this is helping to me. Please help!

This is not reasonable. You showed a picture of a flake of dried skin on your scalp under high power, but there’s just no way one could expect that the photo would have any meaning to me. You really need to have an examination of your scalp. If your dermatologist was unsure why you have flaking on your scalp, you should find another dermatologist.
Your thinning could be from a variety of possibilities too numerous for me to just start throwing guesses out there. It could be something as simple as you causing traction alopecia from scratching vigorously on the itchy part. I don’t know though.
I have had scalp itching, burning sensation for the past 10 months. I get red blisters, burning feeling when eating spicy foods, dryness in areas where my hair is growing slower than usual. I have seen 3 dermatologists usually prescribing the same medications without any positive results. A biopsy was done and did not show any fungus or bacterial contamination. I tried all kind of oils, shampoos, creams, hydrocortisone, steroids, so forth and nothing works. I have to shv my head to th sking to find some relieve….I want my hair back, what else is there to do?