I always look to the highest crease of the furrowed brow. The mature hairline is a gentle V-shaped hairline where the middle is usually about 1/2 inch above the highest crease unless there is a persistent forelock. I can’t see your corner hairline so I don’t know if it is a normal hairline or you have recession in the corners. I need more photos
I’m 19, have been experiencing hair loss for 1 year now, diffused thinning, mainly at crown, slight temple thinning is noticeable now. Today I went to a dermatologist in hopes to be prescribed Fin. Worst consolation I have experienced, I was at the practice for 2.5 hours, and the dr only spoke to me for 10 minutes! He didn’t let me talk, left the office multiple times to see other patients while seeing me! Very very frustrating! He honestly wasted 2.5 hours of my life!
He says he would be hesitant to put me on fin due to my age , but was happy to put me on his very very expensive monoxidil and dutasteride mixture. He says I must try it for 3 months and I should experience drastic regrow this. But then I should stop it for 6 month and see how it goes. This goes against all research on anti androgens and MPB treatments I have researched. Obviously I am very hesitant to purchase as it is very expensive, and dutasteride is rather scary to me. He claims no sides from this mixture.
I am so confused, I don’t know what to do. Depression has hit me. I just want to be pointed in the right direction. I want to keep my hair, and think Fin might be my only option… Should I try find another Dr to get prescribed fin? Should I try the way overpriced Min +Dutasteride mixture? This hair loss stuff is becoming too much for me to handle. I feel like I’m stripped of my youth. Any help is appreciated. Thank you.
What a terrible experience. When I see a patient I spend between 30-60 minutes with them and listen to their complaints, do a thorough examination and then develop a Personalized Master Plan for all of them because hair loss is a progressive process. Dutasteride is stronger than finasteride and has the same sexual side effects, possibly more. Going on it and then stopping it is insane because 100% of such men will lose hair GUARANTEED. Get a good doctor who can develop a Personalized Master Plan for you short and long term.
Based on all the available evidence (with 1-4% of people getting PFS who take finasteride), the most likely etiology of PFS is that the gene for 5a-reductase type 2, SRD5A2, is epigenetically silenced in key tissues responsible for sexual function, including in the brain, through DNA methylation. Gene methylation is a well-described process that is known to occur with many genes and with this particular gene as well. If the right conditions are met, methylation can happen in seconds in millions of cells throughout the body. A single pill of finasteride can definitely trigger such a reaction.
The reality is that men complain of PFS, so vaid or not, it is real to those men who experience it; however, since neither I nor many of my colleagues have seen it, the frequency seems less than the 1-4% that you have referenced. If you think about it, why would I continue to prescribe finasteride as I don’t make any money from doing it and if I didn’t more of my patients would become surgical candidates and I would make more money from doing their surgeries. The answer is obvious, that the drug works for many men with minimal or no side effects and I care about the patient’s welfare. Impotence is common in men without finasteride on-board, about 20% in men in their 20s, 30% of men in their 30s, 40% of men in the 40% and so on. I appreciate the time you took to write this post to me, but although I believe that PFS does occur, but it may not be as prevalent as you state.
You should use the liquid not the foam and then apply it to your scalp by separating your hair as you apply it. Best to do it at night after a hot shower when the skin will absorb more of the medications. You can wash it off in the morning.
This is an interesting abstract with a link to an article on the subject: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23766606/
Hair systems work, but they will kill off all of your hair. That is why men who wear hair systems rarely take them off. Hair is lost from clips, glues and other attachment modalities. Hair systems must be removed and washed often, or they smell from your sweat, Washing causes them to wear out quickly, so replacement costs are how these companies make their money. This is a well kept secret.
This is a depleted donor area in a person who has fine hair so the missing donor hair stands out very well. We call this over-harvesting even though he had less than 2400 grafts removed. If you look below the area that was harvested, you can almost see through the normal untouched donor area. This man should not have had as many grafts taken out as he now has a new balding problem or he should have been told ahead of time that this would be a problem.
Also, the harvesting extended beyond the permanent zone so if this man should develop a more advanced balding pattern, he will lose many of the grafts down the road. SMP is a good treatment for both problems.
I am using Fin for past 5 month with no sides. I had usual shedding phase for a month which stopped after that. But the problem is, I am losing my hairline fast after starting Fin. My hairline has been constant for past 3 -4 years. But in these 5 months my temples became easily visible as my hairline went high. Is this expected? Why is this happening?
Finasteride will not always stop a receding hairline
i read online some links between peyronie’s disease (which I have) and finasteride, also people reporting that finasteride made bends in their penis worse or hour glass penis erection? is this true ??
Finasteride and Pyronines disease are not related. If you have that penile problem, you can still take finasteride if you wish.
The dot size is controlled by the operator (hold time in the skin and how deep they were placed) as well as their skills and the size and needle configuration in the hand piece of the device; however, many of the dots spread because of the size of the pigment particles themselves dictate the spread. The new laser tattoo device has even more precise control over it, if the operator is not as skilled and doesn’t have the years of experience, see here: https://newhair.com/wp-content/uploads/data/docs/pubs/Tattoo%20Pigment%20Delivery%20with%20a%20laser_final.pdf
So the girl i’m seeing currently seeing pulls my hair real hard during sex and i’m concerned it might increase my hair fall.Currently on 0.5 mg fin EOD, and it’s been around 5 weeks since i’m on it. It worked like magic in the first week and reduced my shedding from 50-60 hair strands a day to 5-10 hair strands a day, although i feel like i’m having a fin shed after the 4th week and i read that it’s common for about 2 weeks. Would be great if anyone could clear these two doubts of mine.Also, i’m 20 and currently norwood 1.5-2ish.
The pulling would have to be at the same hairs and daily to get traction alopecia; however, miniaturized hairs will easily come out from any tugging and these might not return. I would suggest that she not pull on your hair
I hear that question all of the time. The answers often vary from 1000 to as high as 6000 grafts, sometimes regardless of the balding pattern. We focus on the number of grafts because more grafts move more hair into the balding area. But the real numbers depend upon
- hair thickness,
- the balding pattern,
- the color of your skin and hair,
- the character of your hair, the thickness of the hair shafts (fine, medium or coarse)
- and most important, something about your donor supply capacity to support the balding pattern at the time the question is asked.
Note that I am putting in a time factor, because balding is a progressive process and how bald you are today, might be distinctly different than how bald you will be tomorrow.
Some young men fly to Turkey, get 5000-6000 grafts for minimal cost. Then they come home to wait and watch it grow. Assuming that the clinic did it right (not the case in many Turkey clinics that don’t have a doctor but sell grafts (like potatoes were sold to the Irish at the time of the famine in the 1800s), they may run out of grafts (or potatoes) before they finish balding.
Hair transplants need to be part of a Personalized Master Plan that incorporates how you are going to manage fixing the balding problem against a progressive balding process. If you use up all of your donor hair before the balding is complete, you may end up looking freaky for the rest of your life. I hear the young man tell me that they are not worried about their hair loss when they get to 30, or 35 or 40. I speak with many 30, 35 and 40 year old men and they ALL CARE about what their hair looks like. Poor planning is almost always a disaster for sometime down the road. All doctors are not equal. Some doctors are in it for the money, so selling more grafts means making more money. You have to identify those doctors and make sure that you don’t get one of them. I always say that a good decision today is a good decision tomorrow.
So to answer the basic question “How many grafts do I need?”, take it easy, digest what you read above and the look to some of the following links below:
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