Lisinopril in my case did cause my hair to fall out and makes you have a cough and so much mucus that it is hard for me to brush my teeth. This medicine is horrible. I had nice thick hair before starting on it. I also knew or believed it was the medication that was causing my hair loss before I found this site . If so many people think it is this medicine that it is causing hair loss then there must be truth to it. I don’t care what doctors tell you.
I don’t have experience with dutasteride but as I know it is about 15% more effective, that means that there must be 15% more side effects, logically
It will take much longer because the half life of dutasteride is 5 – 6 weeks, compared to finasteride which is 6 hours. My guess would be possibly 3-6 months or so.
I have never heard any connection between back pain and finasteride. Switching to dutasteride doesn’t make sense if the finasteride is working for you
Note that he wrinkled his brow so that the creases showed. His hairline in the midline is less than one finger breadth above the highest crease. I don’t see the corners so I can’t tell if the corners are receded or not. Certainly, a large center forelock is taking up most of the frontal hairline real estate if there is some corner recession. Without more photos, I can’t answer the question.
Tight pulling on the hair from a tightly pulled bun, like a tight ponytail, might cause traction alopecia if it is done over a long period of time
Minoxidil causes a person to retain water, which can lead to some increased urination if that happens to you
It was washed after 7 days. Immediately after surgery. I developed some boils over my head. The clinic says that they do high density hair transplant. They have said that I require 3 sesssions and 8000 grafts to cover my entire scalp. Now only 1st session is completed. They don’t recommend minoxidil and finasteride, it was done by an experienced doctor . I don’t understand what went wrong.
Three sessions of 8,000 grafts? I believe that if you had that with FUE then you would be bald in the back of your head, possibly already. You should have washed the day after surgery and every day after that. By postponing the washing, crusting forms on your head. The boils sound like infected cysts which need surgical attention. I hope your doctors put you on finasteride to prevent hair loss. Sounds like you have some important decisions to make like finding a new doctor and getting attention to the boils now!
I am 24 years old and I’ve been experiencing some hair loss for the last three or four years. I’ve noticed it when I shower I’ll end with about 30-40 hairs on my hands, and there will be about 10-20 others on the pillow when I wake up. I’m kinda worried about this since it didn’t happen before and I am not through a period major stress, I didn’t make any changes in my diet either. I will see a dermatologist as soon as possible but I don’t know if I should make a big deal about it or not, since I can run my hand through my dry hair or pull it and there won’t be any hairs on it afterwards.
Some extra info: my dad isn’t bald but has a receding hairline and started experiencing hair loss when he was about 40 or so. It is summer where I live, I add this because I understand hair loss can vary depending on the season.
You should see a good doctor and find out exactly how much hair you are losing with the HAIRCHECK test ( ). The point is to find out if you are really losing hair, how much you are losing and lost and what to do to stop it. This test establishes a metric on the loss so that in a year after you may have started treating it, you will know if you are gaining of losing ground.
Women who may become pregnant by intent or accident will put their baby at great risk if they take finasteride and then get pregnant. For post-menopausal women, finasteride can be effective in reducing hair loss associated with a decrease in Estrogen and an increase in the impact of intrinsic testosterone.
Genetic hair loss is not like a straight line if you plotted it out. You inherit a pattern and at different ages some hairs will undergo miniaturization and eventually fall out. So yes, hair loss can accelerate, then slow down and then accelerate again. If you are treating it, you may be treating a stop and go process. Many of my patients tell me that even when they take a drug like finasteride, they may start losing their hair in spirts and stops.
Losing Your Hair? You Might Blame the Great Stem Cell Escape.
By observing mouse hair follicles, scientists discovered an unexpected mechanism of aging. “If I didn’t see it with my own eyes I wouldn’t believe it,” one said.
By Gina Kolata
Oct. 4, 2021
Every person, every mouse, every dog, has one unmistakable sign of aging: hair loss. But why does that happen?
Rui Yi, a professor of pathology at Northwestern University, set out to answer the question.
A generally accepted hypothesis about stem cells says they replenish tissues and organs, including hair, but they will eventually be exhausted and then die in place. This process is seen as an integral part of aging.
Instead Dr. Yi and his colleagues made a surprising discovery that, at least in the hair of aging animals, stem cells escape from the structures that house them.
“It’s a new way of thinking about aging,” said Dr. Cheng-Ming Chuong, a skin cell researcher and professor of pathology at the University of Southern California, who was not involved in Dr. Yi’s study, which was published on Monday in the journal Nature Aging.
The study also identifies two genes involved in the aging of hair, opening up new possibilities for stopping the process by preventing stem cells from escaping.
Charles K.F. Chan, a stem cell researcher at Stanford University, called the paper “very important,” noting that “in science, everything about aging seems so complicated we don’t know where to start.” By showing a pathway and a mechanism for explaining aging hair, Dr. Yi and colleagues may have provided a toehold.
Stem cells play a crucial role in the growth of hair in mice and in humans. Hair follicles, the tunnel-shaped miniature organs from which hairs grow, go through cyclical periods of growth in which a population of stem cells living in a specialized region called the bulge divide and become rapidly growing hair cells.
Sarah Millar, director of the Black Family Stem Cell Institute at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, who was not involved in Dr. Yi’s paper, explained that those cells give rise to the hair shaft and its sheath. Then, after a period of time, which is short for human body hair and much longer for hair on a person’s head, the follicle becomes inactive and its lower part degenerates. The hair shaft stops growing and is shed, only to be replaced by a new strand of hair as the cycle repeats.
But while the rest of the follicle dies, a collection of stem cells remains in the bulge, ready to start turning into hair cells to grow a new strand of hair.\
Together with a graduate student, Chi Zhang, Dr. Yi decided that to understand the aging process in hair, he needed to watch individual strands of hair as they grew and aged.
Ordinarily, researchers who study aging take chunks of tissue from animals of different ages and examine the changes. There are two drawbacks to this approach, Dr. Yi said. First, the tissue is already dead. And it is not clear what led to the changes that are observed or what will come after them.
He decided his team would use a different method. They watched the growth of individual hair follicles in the ears of mice using a long wavelength laser that can penetrate deep into tissue. They labeled hair follicles with a green fluorescent protein, anesthetized the animals so they did not move, put their ear under the microscope and went back again and again to watch what was happening to the same hair follicle.
What they saw was a surprise: When the animals started to grow old and gray and lose their hair, their stem cells started to escape their little homes in the bulge. The cells changed their shapes from round to amoeba-like and squeezed out of tiny holes in the follicle. Then they recovered their normal shapes and darted away.
Sometimes, the escaping stem cells leapt long distances, in cellular terms, from the niche where they lived.
“If I did not see it for myself I would not have believed it,” Dr. Yi said. “It’s almost crazy in my mind.”
The stem cells then vanished, perhaps consumed by the immune system.
Dr. Chan compared an animal’s body to a car. “If you run it long enough and don’t replace parts, things wear out,” he said. In the body, stem cells are like a mechanic, providing replacement parts, and in some organs like hair, blood and bone, the replacement is continual.
But with hair, it now looks as if the mechanic — the stem cells — simply walks off the job one day.
But why? Dr. Yi and his colleagues’ next step was to ask if genes are controlling the process. They discovered two — FOXC1 and NFATC1 — that were less active in older hair follicle cells. Their role was to imprison stem cells in the bulge. So the researchers bred mice that lacked those genes to see if they were the master controllers.
By the time the mice were 4 to 5 months old, they started losing hair. By age 16 months, when the animals were middle-aged, they looked ancient: They had lost a lot of hair and the sparse strands remaining were gray.
Now the researchers want to save the hair stem cells in aging mice.
This story of the discovery of a completely unexpected natural process makes Dr. Chuong wonder what remains to be learned about living creatures.
“Nature has endless surprises waiting for us,” he said. “You can see fantastic things.”
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