When a wig is applied to your scalp with glue and other similar attachments, it will pull out the hair and produce more hair loss (traction alopecia). As a result of this, you can be ‘hooked’ on the wig for the rest of your life. There is no real minimum age for a hair transplant, […]
300 search results for: traction alopecia
Clip-ins may produce traction alopecia (hair loss), particularly when applied in the same place each time. As the clips are generally fixed to the wig, they almost always may be applied to the same place or the wig is out of place. I would think twice about producing that type of damage for the long […]
I didn’t realize break dancing could be hazardous to your hair. You describe a condition known as traction alopecia, where repeated rubbing and/or pulling of hair will cause hair loss. This type of hair loss is usually permanent. There is not much you can do other than to grow your hair out longer or perhaps […]
Keloids are very rare on the scalp. Many people have stretched (flat) or hypertrophic (raised) scars, but actual keloids (they look like tumors growing out of a wound) are so rare that they are worth reporting in medical literature. You can test the donor and recipient areas with a punch wound and/or a needle and […]
What you are describing seems to be a form of traction alopecia, where repeated tension on the scalp and hair causes hair loss. Rubbing hair also puts a pull on hair that is near the end of its cycle. If you have constant traction, this type of hair loss can be permanent. You can try […]
You are clearly developing traction alopecia and these areas may stay bald. This is an obsessive/compulsive disorder and you should see your family doctor about his/her recommendations for treatment.
Could you have scratched too hard as to cause traction alopecia (hair loss from pulling or scratching)? Send me pictures to the address on the Contact page (please reference this post).
Scratching at the same point can produce a form of hair loss called traction alopecia. See a good dermatologist and find out why you are itching soooooo much.
Usually hair loss from motorcycle helmets if fitted properly should not occur. However, I recently saw a patient who wore a very tight (not properly fitted helmet) for a few months and he had hair loss on certain areas where the helmet was rubbing on his scalp/face. This type of hair loss is caused by […]
I am not aware of anyone working on this today. There is a problem in that any hairs that are glued to existing hair will ‘pull out’ the existing hair and create traction alopecia. I’d love the opportunity to talk to you about it.
You may be experiencing traction alopecia from the constant pull on your hair. This may be permanent depending on the degree and length of the insult to your hair. Only time will tell if your hair will grow back. It may take up to a year. In the mean time, I would advise you to […]
There is no direct connection between dying your hair and losing hair unless you are using dyes that are dangerous and out of the mainstream of commercial products and their proper application. Instructions on the commercial dyes suggest that you test your skin against the dye to anticipate any skin reaction or allergies. I have […]
If your skin/scalp is irritated and ‘itchy”, you should see a doctor. Hair loss from hair extension is relatively common and is called traction alopecia. Most of the time if the insult has been ongoing, the hair may not grow back. Anything that pulls on the hair, even clip-ons, can cause traction alopecia. If you […]
Your braids may cause traction alopecia. To find out about this, you need to get a diagnosis with a good dermatologist or hair doctor (you can use the physician search at ISHRS.org to find one in your area). Without more information, there is little that I can do.
You need to be examined by an expert. Since you indicated you were in New Jersey, Dr. Robert Bernstein in Fort Lee, NJ could help you.
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