I’m a 30 yo guy who got a transplant a few year ago (but i’m NW6) – so yeah im still pretty bald and it looks crap. I dont fancy getting another transplant and was thinking of getting a hair system. Is it possible to get a hair system considering i have a (very light) covering of hair on top and an actual hairline now? I also have bad FUE shedding on back and sides (doner area) so not sure how this will blend with a system.
Too many men who made poor decision about hair transplant take the Hair System approach to literally burying the problem, but the problem will be there and made worse by the Hair Systems’ various attachment methods (clips, glues, tapes) which all pull out hair and make you balder. I have built a reputation over the years at fixing hair transplant messes and most can be repaired to bring you to a normal place and a normal look. Consider sending me photos at williamrassman33@gmail.com. Everything is confidential.
Here is a photo of a known actor who was messed up and I fixed: https://baldingblog.com/actor-joe-penny-shows-off-his-repaired-hairline-with-photos/