Dr Rassman, quick question for you…obviously this guy had hair follicles which he was able to ‘wake up’ with medication….some people might have gone straight for a transplant to fix the recession. If follicles are transplanted then aren’t they just being placed on top of follicles that maybe could have been reawakened if they’d have tried treatment? Is there a danger that by going for a transplant before trying medication that you kill off follicles that could have come ‘back to life’, so to speak?
I have seen a patient who had 3000 grafts and never had balding. I used the HAIRCHECK instrument (https://baldingblog.com/haircheck-test-how-it-is-done-video/) to determine if there was more hair in the transplanted area than the donor area. What I found was that the 3000 grafts grew and increased his hair bulk as expected so I can conclude that damaging hair with a hair transplant doesn’t stop new or existing hair from growing. Of course, you ask why would a man who is not balding get 3000 grafts, well the answer is he had a scummy doctor who made him believe he was balding because his father was bald and the doctor saw him as $$$ for his pocket. Deplorable behavior.