There is no good reliable test for determining if you have the balding genes
You can see my progress on dut in my other post. Visited a dermatologist who prescribed me 2.5mg oral minox (perks of living in los angeles is that doctors take cosmetic concerns seriously) . will be taking it everyday, monitoring blood pressure weekly. Made this post because there isnt much info on oral minox on the internet. I will continue to update you guys in the coming months.
The dose you are on is a bit high with a high risk of complications. Half the dose is better, so speak with your doctor. Taking both drugs at the same time may help some people as the mode of action between the two drugs are different.
So this thought popped in my head while a picture of Harvey Weinstein popped up on my news feed. The guy is rich as hell. Being in the entertainment industry he must have access to the finest cosmetic surgeons. Why the hell do people like this opt not to get a hair transplant? Same goes for other rich folk. Maybe they just dont need to since they are incredibly rich and it simply doesnt matter how they look. But seeing stuff like that makes me doubt that hair transplants are not quite as advanced as people claim them to be or the success rate isnt that high. I am probably over thinking it…could be a million reasons why. All I know is if I had the money I’d get the best damn hair transplant, lock myself in my big ass mansion until the scaring went away and I was presentable then just reappear to the public with a head full of locks.
There are many reasons for this, such as: (1) these people accept their hair loss and are not interested in doing anything about it, (2) They are afraid of facing their vanity, a hair transplant will make it evident if before pictures are public (a CEO of a billion $ company had a lazy marketing person take an old photo when he was bald and post it by mistake on the company’s newsletter then people came to him and asked him where the hair came from?), (3) some people don’t like the idea of a surgery, (4) the old stereotypes of plugs still prevail and some people think that a hair transplant sticks out like a sore thumb.
In just two months, this young man stimulated early hair growth that can only get better over time. It is always amazing how quickly microneedling accelerates the growth process. Of course, we never would know if it would have grow without the microneedling, but with the huge number of men who presented these results, one has to believe that the three approaches (finasteride, minoxidil and microneedling) are intertwined.
(Reuters) – A large study adds to evidence that people with type O or Rh negative blood may be at slightly lower risk from the new coronavirus. Among 225,556 Canadians who were tested for the virus, the risk for a COVID-19 diagnosis was 12% lower and the risk for severe COVID-19 or death was 13% lower in people with blood group O versus those with A, AB, or B, researchers reported in Annals of Internal Medicine. People in any blood group who were Rh-negative were also somewhat protected, especially if they had O-negative blood. People with type O blood, and those who are Rh negative, may have developed antibodies that can recognize some aspect of the new coronavirus and therefore might partly protect them against it, coauthor Dr. Joel Ray of St. Michael’s Hospital in Toronto told Reuters.
“Our next study will specifically look at such antibodies, and whether they explain the protective effect,” Ray said. But whether or how this information might influence COVID-19 prevention or treatment is still unclear.
SOURCE: Annals of Internal Medicine, online November 24, 2020.
I know DHT shrinks hairs on male pattern baldness but Does DHT destroy the follicle? And does alopecia areata destroy the follicle or just cause hair to fall out?
Hair that has genetic balding eventually die. It is called Apoptosis of the hair follicles and it is genetically coded to the number of hair cycles a hair may live. Alopecia areats is an autoimmune disease that also has a genetic propensity; however, if it it treated successfully with appropriate anti-inflammatory drugs, it can reverse and sometimes recur.
You either had too few grafts placed or what was placed, much of it didn’t grow. The number one cause of a hair transplant failure is errors on the surgeon or the surgical team. I wrote about it with humor here:
How do you know if it is working if I don’t see growth yet? Should I wait more time before I give up?
You must remember that finasteride often just slows or stops the loss, not reverses the loss, so you may not see much it it slowed or stopped the loss, unless you stop the drug and then you will know that it was working, possibly too late
I got this set of photos from a group of doctors who share information with each other. It shows an FUE that was performed with a large punch. I wouldn’t call it an FUE as it gives the reference to FUE a bad smell. These grafts contain 5-7 hairs each, typical of the use of a large punch. It is hard to imagine that this still happens today. This problem is easily repaired by most reasonably skilled surgeons who understand how FUE is done the right way. His donor area is another issue that needs to be addressed as well, but not so simply.
This actually works, but not with a gloss paint. There are spray products out there that work to thicken up the hair behind the hairline, on the top and crown of the head. These products are called Concealers.
Would any loss suffered from a hair system just grow back once you stop using the hair system?
I’m 30 years old and at the end of my rope. I first got on fin in 2016 after noticing thinning in my crown. Around early 2019, shortly after I turned 29 and started a stressful job, fin stopped working for me. Within four months, I lost an inch off my hairline and almost half the density of my front third of my scalp. I got on 0.5 mg dutasteride every day around April 2019. Dut seemed to stop the loss until now, when I started diffuse thinning again on my front and — for the first time in years— my crown. 12 months after starting dut, I am significantly below baseline, with signs of diffuse thinning all over the top of my scalp.
Dutasteride (blocks 85% of 5 alpha reductase) is not the magic bullet for hair loss. It is just a little more effective than finasteride (blocks 70% of the 5 alpha reductase). See this post: which also applies to dutasteride.
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