Yes, it can be done but should you do it? Body hair has a very short growth cycle, usually between six to eight months, which means that it not only will look like your body hair but it will be short (no more than one inch). That does not give you either bulk or length which is a requirement for styling and value.
If you were very bald and have a poor donor density, then this hair could be placed behind the hairline or any on other part of the head except the first one inch of the hairline in order to add bulk to the hair transplants from the scalp. This is where the value is and if you happen to be very bald (a Class 7 balding pattern) then your chest hair might work.
You have been over-harvested with FUE, something I have been discussing here on my site with too much frequency. By too much, I mean that too many doctors don’t understand the limits of FUE as I defined in a published article here:
The best treatment for this is Scalp MicroPigmentation which, although it is not hair but a type of highly specialized tattoo, can fill in these bald area and look like it is hair. You will have to keep your hair very short so that the gaps in the hair are not overly noticeable.
This is an important article as it reflects a way to increase the value of minoxidil with microneedling. The article dates back to 2014 so it doesn’t reflect today’s commercial microneedling technologies that are on the market through Amazon and other sources.
Dermaroller along with Minoxidil treated group was statistically superior to Minoxidil treated group in promoting hair growth in men with AGA for all 3 primary efficacy measures of hair growth. Microneedling is a safe and a promising tool in hair stimulation and also is useful to treat hair loss refractory to Minoxidil therapy.
Yes, the donor area may have been over-harvested. Another problem is the harvested area is higher than the permanent hair in the donor area. This suggests the possibility of a long term growth problem if your balding pattern advances further back. The number of FUE grafts that can be taken depends upon your donor density and your hair thickness. The lower the density and the finer the hair, the lower the number of FUE grafts that can be harvested. Finer hair requires more grafts yet less FUE grafts can be harvested when the hair is fine.
Recession is independent of hair loss elsewhere on your head in some people. This can be women or men in this situation.
To answer your question, no. Clearing up the sebum does not clear up the DHT. The DHT that impacts the hair follicles exist below the skin while the sebum exists in the sebaceous unit which is outside of the body.
This backs up my speculation that he wears a very high-end wig (a weave) costing at least $70,000/year, and according to the NYT, he took it as a tax deduction. The company that makes them has an office in Trump Tower in New York City. The minimum fee for this wig company when I last checked was $50.000/year minimum, and the person’s own hair is threaded into the wig, hair by hair. Each week or two, the wig must be adjusted because as his hair grows, it becomes loose so each strand must be cinched down as his hair grows longer. This type of maintenance is a timely process! Maybe you can deduct a hair transplant from your taxes as well using what Donald Trump does for business purposes (in creating your image)?
It doesn’t make sense to lose hair in the crown when I got a hair transplant in the front not the crown.
The anesthesia alone can cause shock loss even if you haven’t done any hair transplants in the crown. If you were taking finasteride, it probably would not have happened as finasteride protects against shock loss.
I am thinking of changing my Finastride dose to 1.25 mg after I speak to my doctor for approval. The reason I stopped was due to side effects. I started off taking 1.25 mg for 6-8 months and got no side effects. I was then prescribed 2.5 mg Finastride before my hair transplant and also saw no side effects after 8 months. I decided to lower my dose back to 1.25 mg daily and take 5% Minoxidil because of fear of side effects. My hair was cosmetically thickened with 5% Minoidil and I was very happy with my results. However, a month or two later I noticed sexual side effects. I’m not sure what caused this. Can you please give me your opinion on what caused sexual side effects? Could it be lowering the dose from 2.5 mg to 1.25 mg gave me side effects? Could it be Minoxidil coupled with Finastride gave me side effects? Could it be Finastride alone?
The higher dose of 2.5 mgs was probably unnecessary and had the potential for more side effects, which you seemed to avoid. I can’t comment on the side effects you are now having on 1.25 mgs, you might try half the dose. Minoxidil will not add to the side effects.
What you are seeing is terrible post-operative care which has allowed thick crusts to form on your head and then crack. An FUE is treated just like a regular hair transplant with regard to the recipient area while the donor area has open wounds which require daily washing with soap and water. Within 3 days of surgery, you can resume full activities, heavy exercises if you wish.
The recipient area requires daily washes as well to keep the recipient area free of crusts. I generally recommend the use of a sponge and supply my patient with a surgical sponge to fill with soapy water and press on the recipient area daily. By repeating this daily, all crusts can be washed off without any fear of losing grafts. IF any crust are present, use a Q-Tip and dip it into soapy water and roll it on the crusts. That will lift them off without dislodging them but never rub them, just roll the Q-Tip on the recipient crust. I like to see no evidence of any crusting in the recipient area and the crusts from the donor area are gone in 7-10 days with daily washing.
I don’t like the idea of anyone removing grafts that have scabs on them. We have published a paper in a formal medical journal ( that states when a person pulls off a scab (crust) from a recipient area in less than 12 days, the risk of losing the graft is very high. Put a shampoo on your head and let it sit for 10-15 minutes, then gently work the crusts with your fingers. This will take days to get the crust off but you will not disturb the grafts.
I am also disturbed that 3000 grafts were placed in the frontal 3 inch zone of your scalp. Keep in mind that most people have only a bout 7000 grafts in their donor area and if your original donor density was low, then that number could be 4000 or even less. IF your hair is fine, things get even worse. You can contact me for more details on how to evaluate your long term planning if you wish.
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