These crusts should be allowed to shed with shampoo regularly, leaving the shampoo on the scalp for 10 minutes and then gently rubbing them until they come off. It may take a few days? but don’t push it. After 2 weeks, the risk of graft loss is minimal. Compare this man on the left 1 weeks from his surgery with the man on the right, just 3 days after surgery. The difference is good post-operative washing. The man on the right was our patient and nobody could tell he had a hair transplant done at any time so far, at least.
There is a link between finasteride or dutasteride and insulin sensitivity as shown in this article:
The conclusion of the article states: Dual inhibition of 5?Rs, but not inhibition of 5?R2 alone, modulates insulin sensitivity in human peripheral tissues rather than liver. This may have important implications for patients prescribed dutasteride for prostatic disease.
Reat this significant article in the New England Journal Of Medicine: file:///C:/Users/Bill/Downloads/NEJM%20-%20Facial%20Masking%20for%20COVID-19.pdf
If you have doubt about the grafts you received, go back and speak with your doctor and ask him for a copy of the count sheet which is part of the surgical record. Something must have happened that you lost trust with your doctor, so I would suggest that you speak directly with him to get to the root of the mistrust. The photos look about right for 3000 FUE grafts
This is your call. Finasteride does two things for men in their 20s: (1) it reduces the shock loss that is very common in young man after a hair transplant and (2) and slows or stops the progressive nature of hair loss.
An interesting article that seems to significantly reduce shedding as it will contract the arrector pili muscle of the follicular unit. The authors are very credible
How to buy it See
These photos show a very extensive burn to the scalp. With the proper skills, reconstruction of this man’s scalp can happen using a combination of Balloon Expanders placed under the good part of the scalp and hair transplants after the maximum amount of expansion is obtained. The patient can use an extensive wig as an alternative if he can’t afford the multiple surgeries or such surgeries are not available in his country. I have seen many people like this transformed with the type of surgery i described above and participated in a few of them.
This is an unfortunate example of a young man who had a hair transplant by a doctor who did not have a sense of either art nor a sense of what constitutes a normal hair transplant. The grafts are all lined up and they appear equal in size. What should have been done is that the grafts should be more randomly placed and the leading edge should have been created with single hair grafts (usually 400 or so) to create a transition zone in front of the hairline so that the patient ends up with a no-hairline hairline instead of a discrete hairline as this unfortunate person will have. This is easy to fix but it requires another small surgery.
We performed a study where we actually picked out the grafts on days 1-15 in over a few dozen patients. The grafts that were removed were sent to pathology. What we learned is that picking the crust (scabs) while they are still there, will pull out the grafts up to 12 days or so. Once the crusts are gone, the living part of the grafts do not come out. The pictures show you still have crusts and are at risk of removing the grafts if you continue to pick on them. Here is the published article for you to read:
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