6 months post transplant. Hair has been growing in for 2 months now. Got transplanted hair put on both temples and lowered hairline slightly. Left side temples and lowered hairline hair is coming in as expected. However, on the right side, the hair is growing in curly and is off-putting. I had a follow up with my surgeon last month and she couldnt explain it. The barber who has been cutting my hair says the hair needs to grow longer for it to straighten itself out. His thinking is that the hair is at a weird/short length which makes it curly. But I have never seen my hair be curly like this. There have been times in my younger yrs where I buzzed my hair, and my hair was never curly at a short-length, it was always straight still.
Is this just part of the “growing-pains” of the transplant hair? Will it eventually sort itself out over next couple hair cycles to be my normal straight hair? Or perhaps the technician screwed up during the procedure and angled the hair wrong?
This happens with some (rare) transplant patients. I have seen this consistently in the same patients who had more than one hair transplant, but I would say that the common change is more wavy hair, less curly and very rarely kinky.