I was really worried about it, so went to quite a famous derm, who told me I had no miniaturization(using the proper equipment, I assume, not just by eye like another derm did). Cut to now, my scalp is beginning to show even more, and the itching continues.
Should I hop on fin + min? I wanted to get a dermaroller, and have no problem with proscar, but was hoping to delay it, maybe try coco butter or rosemary oil to slow down the shedding.As I said, I have no problem with the big three, but am afraid it would only rush the fall process without any recovery, seeing the unusual pattern.
I first defined the term DUPA and it is very rare. For reasons that confuse me, many men make that diagnosis based upon fear, no facts. To make the diagnosis you need a hand microscope to measure the miniaturization in the ‘donor area’ hair which must be significantly over 20% miniaturization to be DUPA (Diffuse Unpatterned Alpecia). Since it is rare and you probably don’t have it, you need an expert like me to tell you what is going on. Did your expert dermatologist look at your hair with a hand microscope on your head? Most doctors rarely do this so that they can’t make the DUPA diagnosis. That is good news for you, as if you don’t have DUPA, then there are many things that you can do and you have options.