I have been slowly loosing since i was 15 about and i have nw 1.5 if that Means anything, anyways i am in a really early stage and i want to keep my hair for AS long AS possible. I am completely new to this and don’t know anything about what to do . Is there any products i should look into or buy straight away to slow down the hair loss. My dad Also did begin loosing HIS hair in an young age. My hair loss is my biggest insecurity and i would love to do something about IT. Thank you in advance (sorry for bad english and spelling errors but english is not my First Language)
Your language is fine and you communicated your problem very well. You need to find a doctor who can work with you, build a Master Plan for you, if they have a HAIRCHECK instrument (https://baldingblog.com/19-year-old-parent-told-not-balding-according-haircheck/) then use this as a guide to your treatment success. Finasteride is a great drug for you if you are really balding, you MUST have a doctor work with you for this.