Patient Results – Restored Crown After 1870 Grafts (with Photos)
This patient stopped by to show me the results from his crown transplant a couple years ago. He is completely thrilled with the results, which are from the 1870 grafts he received in one session.
He liked the results so much that he started considering having surgery in an early mature hairline (he is 32 years old). I suggested that he hold off on any surgery to his hairline for a while, since it’s not bothering him much yet. Chasing a maturing hairline with transplants is never a good idea because in my opinion, this is a normal hairline for a man who is not balding.
But in any case, his crown looks much fuller now and he couldn’t be more pleased! Click the photos to enlarge.
Before (on left) // After (on right)

Update: A reader pointed out that we previously posted this patient last year (oops) — here. I corrected some info about the patient’s age and graft count. The after photo is more current on this post though.
Hi Dr. Rassman –
Sorry to be a pain, this patient looks a lot like the patient posted in
Maybe the photos got mixed up?
It says the patient on this page is 29; the patient with the similar photo on the linked page is 41.
Are these the same person or do the two have shockingly similar photos?
This is very nice for 1700 grafts! You must be very certain that the rest of his hair is solid, since you mention that he is just now getting a mature hairline. I wish I could see a photo of this patient from the front. Do you have any?
Jon –
Thanks for catching that. The post from last year had a typo — the patient was 31 at the time, not 41. Then after he came in for a visit recently, I forgot that we’d posted the photos before. The graft count is 1870 (I put 1700 after looking at the wrong chart when creating this post). Sorry about the confusion!
Dr. Rassman, you have stated that if a patient does not have an advanced balding pattern (no more than an NW 5) you would consider filling in a mature hairline if the patient is of sound mind. Why then would you advise against chasing a maturing hairline? Just because something is normal does not mean a person has to accept it. Hair restoration is cosmetic surgery. If the patient has the funds and is a good candidate, I think the patient should be able to have his request granted.