Post-Op Questions About Redness
Hi Dr. Rassman,
Thank you for having this site and thank you for taking our questions.
I had hair replacement surgery a month ago. I received 2700 grafs. I still have redness on top of my head as well as an itching from time to time.
How long will the redness remain and how long for the itching to go away?
Also, is it okay to scratch my scalp in the area where the transplants were placed. I currently scratch with the tips of my fingers, very, very lightly? Is that okay?Thank you.
Redness is generally minimal for most people. For those few individuals with a tendency to get red (having histamine positive skin), the redness may take weeks to completely go away. There are no straight rules. Topical steroids work to minimize redness or to treat it if it appears, but minimal use should be encouraged (speak with your doctor). Scratching vigorously is always a bad idea, because it tends to produce trauma to the delicate areas where the transplants were placed and increases your risks for infection at the hair follicle level. What you described sounds ok, as that is not scratching. Make sure your fingers are clean, that you do not pick your nose and then go to scratch your head, because the bacteria from the nose will seed the transplanted area for infection (don’t laugh, as this happens frequently).
Hi Dr. Rassman,I have hairlost in the crown of my head more to the left leading out to the front hair line. Have seen a doctor and was given ashampoo ketogonazole, appearex and told to use rogaine extra strength for men. Is this a good idea for a black woman 61 years old.
Hello evereone. I had my hair tansplant two months ago, the first 3 weeks everithng looks good, but then the first month, a lot of My hair fall down, so the implants too, i had 1000 fu done in my front head. im worry that all the job done its gonna be for nothing, because my own hair fall down. Or i ve to be patient.
A desperate patient..
I’m getting a bald spot on the front top of my head, I was told to take vitb12, or is there something else I can do??
Dear Doc
Thanks alot for this blog site
I had a transplanting surgery of about 600 to 700 gratfs towards the end of April this year.
Now I am a bit worried, I must say that I started seeing new hair growing, but its not as dense as I supposed it would be. I still feel itching tendencies almost daily and sometimes I even get pimples.
I have noticed also that some of my hair that was there before the op had fallen gradually, is that normal?
I am really getting worried, as against my expectations of getting better, the progress is slow.
Is this common?
My age is 22 and I lost too much of hair.I started using Minioxidol solution now.
I also get pimples on my head and little itching sensation.Can you tell me how to stop this pimples from coming and also how could I get my hair more denser