Products for Covering African American Hair Loss
Hello doctor. I am a 27 year old african american male, with only a small degree of hair loss on the sides (by the temple) that basically are about the size of a quarter on each side that messes up my hairline. I have been looking at a couple products to get that look ok, and was wondering what your recommendations would be. I heard that Dermatch was the best and easiest to apply to areas on the hairline. Will this look good in our hair? Would toppik or coueve be better than this? My hair is very short and looks great when it is first cut, but when my the rest of my hair grows out and outpaces the small receding areas it doesn’t look so good. Let me know your recommendations, and thanks.
Best to try these products on your own, as they are not expensive and can be washed off in the shower. The problem may be that these products work well behind hair, but not in frontal bald spots. Nevertheless, I’d try it first. If it does not work for you, then hair transplants may be the only other option. If you are gentically balding, I suggest that you get a working diagnosis and consider Propecia (if indicated) at least to stop the hair loss.
My mom is 80 years old and has hair loss in the crown of her head for many many years. She also has a history of glaucoma and high blood pressure. I there andy product that she can use that does not effect her glaucoma. I was considering scalp med to purchase. But, am unsure of many products that will effect her vision. I also am just begining to thin. Thank you for your help with a few of my questions.
I really can’t relate to that but, I do know that I am only 42 years old and my hair at my temples on each side has been thin for at least over 20 to maybe 30 years now and it’s worst and I would love to get help with this. This thing happens with most my mothers sisters and some of their children. The only things is, is that it cost an arm and a leg to just to get this help and I just can’t afford it.