Pseudopelade and Hair Loss in Women
I am a 47 year old female with a very strong history of family baldness.Initially(for 1 1/2 years) i ignored the hair loss.Putting it down to the very stressful period in my life.However when the bald patches couldn’t be ignored anymore I went to see the doctor. Was first diagnosed as areata alopecia and then cicatricial alopecia.Another docter then diagnosed it as pseudopalade. What is the differerence between these alopecias and what is the treatment for pseudopalade? What can be done to cover the bald patches.
Many of these autoimmune diseases are related to each other. Pseudopelade is another type of scarring alopecia. This is the world in which the dermatologist is supreme. Look at what dermatologist and world-class hair transplant doc Robert Bernstein said about the various diseases that are related: BernsteinMedical – The Diagnosis of Hair Loss in Women.
im 24 suffering from pseudopelade and under me how can i get good results ..can the patches be restored to hair..this is a very phase for me ..plz help.