Rogaine on the Hairline — Worth a Shot?
Dr. Rassman:
I recently met with a new dermatologist after I noticed significant and abrupt patterns of shedding. I am 30 years old, and I’ve been on Propecia for 10 years and was thrilled with it up until about a year ago. It was then that I noticed a ton of sheddin in the shower, pillow, etc, etc.
I asked my doctor about Rogaine, and told him I had been using on the crown of my head for about 8 months, as a preacautionay measure, in case Propecia stopped being effective for me. He said to use it on my hairline as well. He said that although Rogain is not FDA approved to be effective on the hairline, that doens’ mean that it isn’t. He said “its worth a shot”. What are your thoughts on this?
There have been reports of minoxidil being effective on the frontal hairline, but they are few such observations with significant hair growth. I suppose it is worth a shot.
I have seen modest improvement on my frontal hairline with minoxidil, but shedding continues from the crown. Don’t know what to make of it.