Serum Testosterone and DHT Conversion
Hi Dr. Rassman,
Thank you for your willingness and dedication to share your expertise and insights around this very important field of medicine. My question pertains to the relationship b/w serum testosterone levels & DHT. I am 38 and have been on both Proscar 5mg & Avodart.5mg as well as a slew of natural antiandrogens (eg, saw palmetto, etc.). I recenty increased my dose of Avodart to 1mg but have met w/ marketly increased shedding 2-3 months following the dose increase.
My question is if I could have elevated my free testosterone to a level that is allowing for more conversion of DHT in the small amount, say 10%, of DHT receptors that are not blocked. Is there a balance or fine line between the level of serum testosterone and DHT conversion that takes place? I’ve noticed that my hair shafts have thinned in diameter and lost pigmentation at the bottom and it seems to correspond to about 3 months of growth (I.e., aboth the time I increased my dose of Avodart). Could I have raised DHT levels by raising free testosterone or could I have induced a form of telogen effluvium shocking all my hair into a resting state? If so, can I expect subsequent regrowth? Your professional opinon is greatly appreciated.
On a side note, although this is a progressive,unorthodox, and off-label treatment regime, I am tolerating the treatments very well-very little side effects. Just want to try to understand the science better. Thanks-a-million!
You can not match one piece of a science to another and then create new science. You are doing many things to your hair and your body, all at the same time. You have no measurements taken (mapping out the hair for miniaturization and followed over time area by area). You may be shedding and this may be temporary, but only time will tell you that. I can not heal you with any insight other than what I have written before on this site.
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