Shock Loss in the Recipient Area
HI DR… I would like to know if there is shock loss after hair surgery what is your policy in solving the problem. thanks
I properly inform my patients of the risk, try to mitigate that risk, and am very supportive if it happens. I can not guarantee what will happen to the native hair that is there and which may react poorly to a hair transplant by undergoing shock loss. I have not had a case of shock loss for more than a year. I suspect it is because I prescribe finasteride on all those who are subject to that risk.
Hello DR,
I recently had a HT. 2000 grafts in top and crown. I am 46 years old. Wasnt too bad….but was thinning and wanted to keep coverage. It has been 12 weeks and no growth yet. I was told that I would start feeling hairs… I do when I rub my face. Still nothing yet. Am I being to anxious?