Small Bumps on Scalp After Hair Transplant?
Dear Dr.,
I had a HT about a year ago utilizing the strip to micro graft method and I noticed that I have small bumps resembling chicken skin from where the hair is anchored. When this occurs from the old hair plug method it’s referred to as cobble-stones and surgery and/or camoflouging tends to help but what about when the hairs are single grafts? Do these bumps go away over time? Is laser surgery or some other cosmetic method suitable? I like the hair I have just not the rough scalp.
I have heard complaints about bumps around the grafts after a hair transplant surgery, but frankly I have not seen them in my practice. The classic cobblestone appearance of the large, older “hair plugs” did form many skin abnormalities, and even the types of transplants done today could produce bumps if the instrument used is too large.
Bumps like you describe likely can not be repaired, but they can be camouflaged with a good hair transplant around them. Have you talked to your surgeon to find out why your result came with these bumps?
I had a hair transplant procedure 7 months ago, and I have had a reoccurring rash on my neck which first appeared about 4-6 weeks after the procedure. Is this somehow side-effect, related to hormones?