Smoking Cigarettes and Hair Loss
Does smoking cause hair loss, will smoking affect the success of a transplant? Best Regards.
There are known effects on blood supply to the scalp and other areas of the body when one smokes. This may or may not contribute to hair loss. Many hair transplant surgeons warn patients that if they smoke, they run the risk of losing hair from a transplant or reducing the yield from a transplant. I have not found that to be the case, but from a good legal position, I must warn you of that possibility.
im 20 year old , and im losing hair mainly from the right side of the scull….
could smoking be one of its reasons?
what are your suggestions for slowing or reversing this?
I started losing my hair as a teen, and since has never been able to deal with it. Ive become a very angry and intolerable person and it has affected almost every aspect of my life. I never would of thought it could ruin it. I guess my advice is to seek help if you think you need it.