Some People Prefer the Stubble Look with Real Hair (with Photos)
I believe Dr. Rassman I can shed some light on a recent post. You have answered the question many times in regards to BHT and short cut hair. I agree that it does seem somewhat pointless to shave ones head after recieving a hair transpant however I do understand the logic behind it. With a short cropped haircut (even a #1 clipper shave) you can still see a visible hair line that defines the face much like the tattooing service you are now offering. With a completely shaved head it is not visible.
Many people such as myself would prefer real hair on their head rather than ink although I must admit that the results do look pretty good. None the less body hair is different than scalp but cut short can offer a more realistic illusion of stubble that in this day and age appears acceptable if not attractive. Counter argument it is very expensive for just stubble. Agree?
Why would you bother with body hair transplants (BHT) when you can use your scalp hair? Body hair tends to be texturally different. If you truly want a stubble look with real hair, using Scalp MicroPigmentation (SMP) with scalp hair extracted with FUE is a good way to accomplish this. On the flip side, patients who’ve had a hair transplant and want the closely cropped look would already have stubble, so SMP is a great option to add the appearance of fullness.
Here’s an FUE patient who had very little restoration work done — under 600 grafts to the front corners — and later decided to shave his head. On the top of his head, the hair is miniaturized so it appears thin and lighter in the picture. The following result shown is immediately after the first SMP session. This will fade slightly as the color sets and the client will return in 3 to 4 days for a touch-up. (Note that because the photo was taken immediately after the SMP session, you can still see some initial redness.)
Before SMP on left; After SMP on right. Click photos to enlarge:

You would almost certainly have to use BHT because FUE would probably leave semi noticeable scars at that short of a clip unless you are a freakishly good healer and follow post op instructions to the T. Plus using BHT would take tons of money because most body hairs, at least on me, are single and two hair follicles, plus some peoples body hair is finer than head hair. Otherwise it’s a good idea for the rich!