Taking Minoxidil at 15, Dermatologists, and Miniaturization
Hey Doc, once again your site is freakin awesome. I sent you mail a few weeks back, and you asked what I meant by recession at the sides. I’ve changed the mail I sent so I’m more clearer:
I am a 15 year old Indian male, and I recently discovered my receding hairline. For a week or so I thought it was a mature hairline since everyone in my family has one (noone is bald though). Anyway I went to see a dermatologist and she said it’s male pattern baldness because of the recession on the sides (on your miniaturization diagram at https://baldingblog.com/2006/08/04/miniaturization-2, the areas I have recession in are T1 on both left and right). She
prescribed Minoxidil 5 % for 12 months. I just wanted to know if you think I should take Minoxidil at such an early age or get another opinion. BTW, when I raise my eyebrows my last fold of skin is 3/4 inch away from my hairline. And the recession of my left and right sides are an inch away from my hairline.Another question, I talked to my dermatologist about having my hair mapped out for miniaturization, and she had no idea of what I was talking about. Do all dermatologists have machines for minaturization or do I have to see someone else. THANK YOU for taking the time to answer my question…your site is more helpful than the dermatologist I visited.
You may be experiencing the appearance of a maturing hair line. That would correspond to the “T1” area in the diagram in Miniaturization: Critical to the Master Plan for Hair Loss. Minoxidil is therefore not appropriate for you.
With regard to the question about miniaturization, print out the reference article in the link above and show it to your doctor. In addition, I just wrote another piece worth reading, How Propecia Works on Hair and Why Miniaturization Mapping is Important.
i m 35 yrs old boy.last 6 yrs i m suffering frm hairloss problem rapidly with extremly oily dandr0uff & oily scalp. i applied minoxidil ( mintop lotion 2%). but i never get any better solution .pls advice permenent result.
Hi doctor, I’m an African-American female who has spoken with several transplant doctors. Most doctors state I would need 600-900 graft to cover the front part of my head (a couple of doctors have stated more). I have a hairline but the area behind that is bald from wearing weave in my bangs. The question I have is how does one determine how many grafts are needed? I’ve looked at charts that tell a certain number for different areas of the scalp however I then read that AA can get away with lower grafts due to curly hair. None of the chart that show how many grafts are needed are for women- they are all for men with male patten baldness. I