Teen Girl Losing Hair, Wonders If It Is Cancer
Im a 14 year old girl and about 2 weeks ago I cut my hair myself. I always do so I didnt think anything wrong was going to happen. But now any time I run my hand though my hair I have like a hair ball and it’s starting to scare me because I used to have really thick hair. My mom has thin hair. Could i have cancer? My grandmother has a history of it.
Based on what you’re telling me, I doubt that you have cancer. If there is a family history of cancer (ovaries, breast, uterus) then you should find out if your family has the gene for such cancers. If that is the case, you can get checked out for the cancer gene as well. If it is not in the family, I doubt that you need to get the genetic test. I remember when I was in medical school, each and every time I found out the details of a disease, I seem to have developed the symptoms of that disease. Eventually, I learned to disassociate my learning from my life and I stopped getting the weird diseases. At 14 years old, cancer is unusual, but that is a matter you should discuss with your parents and your doctor.
my daughter had hair loss from about the age of sixteen we took her to the doctors onthree occasions each time vitamins then iron followed by anti depressants last time we took her sent to hospital she died of cancer age 23 well done dr lakin u cow hope we meet again so i could end your life
my daughter is 16 she had a baby 8months ago during pregnancy her hair began to fall out in patches the size of silver dollars we took her to the doctor and they gave here something that started her hair to grow. now in the lash two weeks she is going bald and she is so stressed. she has an appointment with a doctor tomorrow. what else can i do
People who have cancer and go bald don’t go bald because of cancer itself, they lose hair because of the treatments for cancer (like radiation or chemotherapy). Radiation and chemo treatments basically kill cells, the aim being to destroy cancerous cells. The side effect is that normal cells, like the ones responsible for hair growth, are destroyed as well. So, don’t take hair loss as a symptom for cancer. However, if you are losing your hair, you should make an appointment with your doctor to address your concerns and he/she might me able to help.