Terminal Hairs at Hairline
I read that all persons have peach fuzz and miniaturized hairs in the beginning of their hairlines, but my question is that if it is normal to see solitary terminal hairs 1 cm before the beginning of the hairline
Most hairlines are transition zones between the bare forehead and the thick hair of the scalp. Some people have a wider transition zone than others. Some people have solitary hairs in front of the transition zone, while others have a tight frontal hairline. We are all different. When I create a hairline, I always build a wide transition zone between the forehead and the scalp hair behind it so that the point where the hairline starts does not come on strong. Some patients want a strong hairline so I often find myself negotiating with these patients on this very point as we plan the hairline for the day of surgery.
Many women feel that having this transition to far to the rear will be counter productive. As we attach front lace wigs, we explain that the transition is going to be based off the facial features and shape of the skull