Testosterone: Is it safe and what about hair loss?
We have known for years that testosterone causes hair loss so people who take anabolic steroids with various types of dietary supplements put themselves at risk for hair loss if they are genetically prone to male pattern balding (present easily in half of the male population).
Recently the FDA has come away with more specific warning about testosterone and other anabolic steroids which include:
* Risk of hair loss or acceleration of existing hair loss
* Risk of hart attacks
* Risks of heart failure
* increase risk of strokes
* Depression
* Aggressive behavior
* liver toxicity
* Infertility
When men or boys who use such supplements, they often experience
* Depression
* Fatigue
* Irritability
* loss of appetite
* Decreased libido
* Major sleep problems
If you are on supplemental steroids, see your doctor about what you need to withdraw from them, don’t do it on your own.
Actually, heart (not hart) disease and increased risk of prostate cancer (although true risk is unclear) are the main issues that have been hotly debated in the medical literature related to risk/benefit of testosterone replacement therapy. This balance of risk/benefit doesn’t relate to those men who “abuse” use of testosterone (i.e., who do not have a medical need related to hypogonadism).