Thanks, My Stylist Doesn’t Believe That I Had a Hair Transplant!
I had two transplants at NHI over the past 5 years (last one was 3 years ago) and the results are fantastic. Whenever I get a haircut I will tell the stylist that I had the transplant procedure done just so they are aware of the line scar in the back and don’t cut my hair too short back there. I find that as long as I tell them before they get started, its no big deal and the scar is never visible, even with a $15 Supercuts haircut that I get. BUT, I usually end up spending the 10 minutes I’m getting my haircut explaining to them that yes, this is a hair transplant and no, I’m not just joking around. Nobody believes me! Outside of getting a haircut, I never mention it anyway… but the one time I tell someone, they don’t believe it. So that just goes to show that you did a damn fine job. Really incredible work and as you can probably tell I am thrilled with the end result. I’ve included a couple photos that you can use for your blog.
Thanks, doc. I’m very, very, very pleased.
I’m glad to hear that nobody believes you — that means we were successful! In all seriousness, this is how any good hair transplant should be. We never want patients to be easily spotted as having had a hair transplant. The end result should always look natural.
This patient had 1,737 grafts transplanted over two procedures.
Update Dec 2008: [Photos removed by request]
Dr. Rassman please advise the patients that Hair Transplants used on this guy were hidden between the native hair which will bring a more natural apperance. He will lose the hair anymore transplants will look fake just like the lying hair transplant industry. People everyone can tell you had HT’s so stop the process and wait for a more viable solution. Rassman please infrom the people that the unknowns and outcomes are violent and should never be allowed. This process is barbarick. If your readers can understand the logic here, the thread shows lack of true art and more money mills.
The texture of your hair is clearly attributed to some form of gel or volumizer is this correct? I too color my hair-is the brown the natural color or the blonde?
In any case it looks terrific!
You do not need any more transplantation it is so natural and i am happy for you.
I myself had 2502 grafts in one operation from an excellent renouned ny surgeon-only 2 1/2 months have passed and I have seen some results but i know it is in the very early stages yet. I am very excited.
Did you keep a photo diary of your progression?
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