What Are Your Thoughts On Hair Line Lowering?
My question concerns hairline lowering, i.e., juvenile hairline restoration surgery.
I have read that you rarely do this, and it often should not be considered. However, the blog posts where you talk about this seem to suggest that you have done it very occasionally. My question is, what makes someone a candidate?
I am very interested in maintaining my low youthful hairline. At 24 years of age going 25, I can see that my hairline is definitely maturing. Whether it will go beyond that I am not sure.
What age is the earliest an individual may become a candidate? Would you only lower a hairline if you were satisfied the person would not suffer further balding? How can you tell? Can the HairDX test assist in this?
I wouldn’t actually want it restoring 100% to the very lowest point. I can just see that the corners are moving, and so far the middle doesn’t look as though it will. In other words, the real problem is how the corners are rising in relation to the middle. I want to avoid the dreaded V shape hairline which, in my opinion, is not for everyone, and makes you look older.
Would it be possible at some point to slightly fill in the corners in order to maintain a straighter hairline? I use minoxidil and propecia but this has probably only slowed recession and will not reverse it.
I am not sure where you would read I rarely perform hair line lowering. It is rather a common request. Each and every patient and case is different and hair line lowering is a normal request for both men and women. After all, hair restoration surgery is an elective cosmetic surgery. If one wants to restore their juvenile hair line, it is their choice. In general I would not advise it for men because the real juvenile hairline is concave (female like) and the mature male hairline is convex, but if the individual has full maturity to understand the implication of their choices then the surgery is based on the mutual respect and understanding between patient and doctor.
The entire process of hair restoration is based on the Master Plan
If your doctor can assess that you will not have further significant hair loss and will have enough donor hair to accomplish your goals then a surgery may be an option.
Some choose the hair transplant/ grafting route. Some choose the direct surgical hair line lowering. Some choose a combination of both.
Example below is a hair line lowering surgery (Dr Aharonov) combined with a hair transplant/ grafting to the front and corners for a softer look.

Hair line lowering surgery with hair transplant (Dr. Aharonov, Dr. Pak)
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