Transplanting Hair to Chest?
I want to know if you have a method of transplant that will give me chest hair…I saw a program in NY while visiting that says there is a new way of doing this through transplant…
You can transplant head hair to the chest, but it will grow long, so it will have to be clipped. FUE or strip harvesting methods will work. We have done many pubic hair transplants in people who just did not have enough of it and it works very nicely.
I’m 27 of an Italian heritage and I have no chest hair (which is unlike the rest of the men in my family). It’s really embarrassing to take my shirt off in public, I’ve been made fun, and I’m very self-conscious about it. I’ve heard about this type of transplant and I’ve also heard about the costs. I’m not financially loaded and I’m sure that most people that would like to look into something like this are not as well, but I really need to do something about this. Is there any type of reasonable payment plan that can be worked out for an average working class man such as myself? Please email back with the answer. Thank you
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