Trichodynia After a Failed Hair Transplant
Hello Dr Rassman,
I would like to start with complicating you on your website. I think that what you are doing, in providing free information with such dedicated professionalism, which must be so time consuming is a testament to you as as a surgeon.Doctor my question is a simple one. I had a hair transplant almost a year ago and I am living a life of hell since. I am now suffering from Trichodynia and every morning I wake up I say to myself I cannot wait for the day to end. I go to bed hoping the pain will be gone when I wake up each morning. I am emailing you as a last resort. I have been to a pain specialist who has prescribed amitriptyline and lyrica together. I am on this medication for 4 months now and as the dosage goes up there really is no difference in my condition. My transplant was also a failure along with being left with a scar of between 5 and 10mm. Please please help me doc. I did not have any pain pre surgery. Kind regards
For those readers who does not know about trichodynia, it is a condition where the patient experiences a painful, burning sensation on their scalp. From Wikipedia — “Often there is an underlying psychosomatic cause, such as stress, depression or anxiety.” It also could be caused by trauma to a nerve(s) from the surgical wounds created during a hair transplant.
I do not know the cause of your pain and the answer you desire is not so simple. You state that the pain started after a hair transplant surgery, but I do not know if there is an actual correlation or just coincidence with the hair transplant. You need to find a physician who will listen to you and examine you. I would want to know where the pain is, if there are any sensory defects in the nerve distributions of the major and minor nerves of the scalp. Without a full history and physical, I really cannot offer much help. You are more than welcome to make an appointment to see me or Dr. Pak either in Los Angles or San Jose.
How dare you try to complicate this website!