Trichophytic Closure Photos
I read your article about the Trichophytic incision. Do you have photos of what this looks like?
The pictures shown below are of a patient who had a trichophytic incision on half of his wound and on the other side had a non-trichophytic closure. The side with the trichophytic closure has hair growing in the actual wound, making it less obvious. These pictures were taken 5 months after surgery, so the scars have not fully matured and a slight pink color still remains. The photos below are both from the same patient (right and left are exactly the same image), except the two on the left are unedited and the two on the right has a yellow highlight showing where the actual scar is, so that you can see clearly that hair is growing through it. I apologize because some of the hair from below the scar is obscuring the trichophytic set of photographs, but I believe if you look through the line of hair that is combed upward from below you will see the hair growing directly from the wound. I will replace these with better photographs from the next patient that comes in to the office. Click the images to enlarge.
The below photos show the non-trichophytic side.
For more information about Trichophytic closures, please see Techniques to Minimize Donor Area Scarring
Hi Dr,
I had a trichophytic closure performed on a scar about 8.5 months ago. I think all is healing well and the follicles are popping through accordingly. Is it normal for the area to still bare some pink? I can see some growth but the length is probably less then .05mm so should the hairs be growing quicker? Thank you for your feedback.