I Use Rogaine and Have Scalp Itching.
Hello. Dr Rassmann. I have MPB and i am using minoxidil 5% and finisteride for last 4-5 months. Sir the problem is that i am expriencing itching with the use of minoxidil. I m not experiencing any scaling etc but just itching. Sir , if i am experiencing itching because of minoxidil but even after this i want to continue using minoxidil, so can i do so? Or will using minoxidil, instead of controlling my hair loss and promoting regrowth, will accelerate my hairloss because of the itching side effect?
Itching can be a side effect and some patients cannot use minoxidil because of this as it can lead to irritation and hair loss. Please follow up with your doctor for an exam.
Sir inspite of itching if i want to continue using minoxidil, so will using minoxidil, instead of controlling will accelerate my hairloss because of the itching side effect?
i have the same question dr rassman????