Using Couvre to Mask Linear Hair Transplant Scar (with Photos)
Hello Dr,
First of all,,,a Fantastic/helpful blog. I am 50 years old. I visited 10 different hair transplant surgeons and decided to go with a doctor in Northern California. I think you hit the nail on the head, when you say ‘you have to feel RIGHT about the surgeon’. I did an FUT for 3000 grafts about 1 month ago, and everything has gone great. We just have to wait and see now as to what will be the outcome. :)
I wanted to contribute ‘something’ to your blog,,,so I decided to send photos of my scar before and after application of a masking black lotion (COUVRE). It takes 1-2 minute, it will not come off with water and it is practically invisible from about 12″ away. The photos were taken by my wife. I keep my hair at 1/4″ length (I know I can go to #2 clippers and still mask it good). I send these photos for folks whom are worried about having the surgery and wanting to keep their hair short.
Now to my questions. I am on Propecia (4 months now) and Rogaine. I also have the laser comb, but I am hesitant to use it, fearing it might damage the ‘babe grafts’. What do you recommend to your patients regarding this scenario. I truly believe the comb works, not as much as the hype, but it DOES work (for me anyway). The question is, can it hurt the newly transplanted/asleep grafts :)
My second question is related to a comment my surgeon made prior to surgery. I asked, what percentage of the grafts are normally expected to survive. The reply was 113-120%!!!! It was explained by my surgeon that they do not believe in ‘dense packing’ of grafts in a CM2 and by inserting no more than 40 grafts (or was it 40 hairs?!), it insures the growth of all grafts + some regeneration of already dormant follicles!!! I found that pretty interesting, what is your opinion on this?!
Thanks again for all your great help on the blog, keep up the great work
Masking/concealing agents like Couvre can work “miracles”, as your photos demonstrate. There are two surgical solutions that also work well:
- Follicular unit extraction (FUE) into the wound will put hair into the scar, or
- A trichophytic closure could wipe out much of the wound if the laxity is good enough
The telogen count is about 10% of hairs, but as these telogen hairs grow back, others fall out so I would not expect more than 100%. I have read such studies and they are clearly flawed in their methodology. You can’t believe everything you hear or read. Nonetheless, thank you for contributing your photos and allowing me to publish them! The results after the Couvre look great. The photos are below; click to enlarge.

Good work….
SBL Graphics