Using Keratex Hair Oil After Applying Minoxidil
Hi Rassman,
I am 24 years old. I have male pattern baldness, I am using MinTop (Minoxidil 2%). Can I put any hair oil (Ex: Keratex) after applying minoxidil at night? If yes, at what time I should use it after applying minoxidil.
Keratex is apparantly an equine hoofcare product. I can not comment on the value of this product, but as you are asking about minoxidil, I will address that part of your question. Minoxidil is absorbed relatively rapidly. I would wait an hour before using the oil after a minoxidil application. I can not discuss any issues of cross reaction or safety with regard to the combination of minoxidil and Keratex.
I wonder why people would use a product made from a horse hoof. I owned 6 horses when I had a farm in Vermont and I do not remember any of my horses walking on a hairy hoof.
im mohar chand hair problem used me your medicen. Keratex