Waxing Transplanted Hair
I am about a #7 on the baldness scale and I have about 200 (2-3 hair) plugs on the front hairline. I now want to go bald and was considering waxing (although painful) in the plug area. (There is nothing really wrong with my transplant, I just like the bald look better on me). My question: Will waxing do any damage to this area or the plugs themselves? Your advise is greatly appreciated.
Waxing may eventually produce traction alopecia and as such, it may in the longer term cause these ‘waxed’ hairs to fall out. If the plugs are really plugs in the old doll’s head view, there are better options including excision, FUE extraction, and laser hair removal. The problem with the doll’s head plugs is that there is often skin changes associated with them, such as cobblestoning and depigmentation, which may stand out if you go bald. Take a look at our newhair.com site and search for “plug” to see and learn much from the many pages of information on this subject.
Hi I have been shaving my head for about 4 years now and have to shave every other day. I was woundering if it would be posible to wax my head and if so how long would it last before any signs of any new hair ?