What If There Was an Unlimited Donor Supply?
If an unlimited supply of donor hair were available, could transplant surgeons give a patient the 200 hairs per cm squared that the average human head has or would a new tool smaller than the .5mm tool im aware need to be created to achieve this look?
I suppose you can achieve 200+ hairs per cm squared (which is about the average for a non balding Caucasian male), but I find most people who are obsessive with hair per square centimeter don’t understand the full story and are mislead by all the discussion groups on the Internet.
You can have 100 hair per cm squared and still look like someone with 200 hairs per cm squared, as this is not a numbers game. Furthermore, hair transplant is NOT about the numbers and density. It is about the art of creating a natural looking hairline with minimal number of hairs you harvest.
With respect to graft survival, there may be some issues of the grafts surviving such close packing in ONE surgery. Now 200 hairs in a square centimeter is possible with multiple surgeries to the same area… but again, numbers do not translate to how it looks overall.
Something related to this I’ve been wondering for a while – if 50% density is enough to achieve a the cosmetic effect of full density, why does an FUE donor area look noticeably thinned after (presumably significantly) less than 50% of the FUs have been removed?
Is it because close-cropped hair shows the effect of reduced density more than longer hair?