Why is SMP Better on Some Scars than Others?
I’m really interested in the scalp micro pigments / SMP and I’ve reviewed the results of SMP on your sites along with some of your competitors. There’s clear differences in the results, even on your site alone. How do you explain these differences?
How do you deal with scarring from previous surgeries of the transplant variety and can SMP do a good job covering it up for everyone with such scars?
I’m going to reference a couple patients found on our SMP Photo Gallery and explain why the results are so different and so obvious…
Patient 20 is the ideal patient result with a scar from a previous hair transplant. The scar was flat and uniform and was the result of a single surgical procedure with bad healing which caused the scar to stretch. The surgeon who did this patient did nothing wrong. When we did the SMP, we worked on a uniform scar surface, there were no divots or elevated areas on the scar, so the process worked perfectly. Contrary to what you see, the scar is still there and just as big as before, and if you ran you finger over it you would feel what you can not see.
Patient 51 had great results as well with the old drilled holes in his scalp from the old fashioned (now abandoned) surgical procedure called Open Donor Technique. He also had a strip surgery which accounted for the horizontal scar. The skin on the Open Donor Wounds turned out to be relatively flat, so the pigment was taken up well and uniformly, providing great results; however, the horizontal scar from the strip procedure was elevated and even though the skin took the pigment very well, the elevated scar could be soon.
These patients shaved their head for the procedure. They may have intended to grow out their hair and if they did, Patient 51 would have no obvious scar seen; however, Patient 20 would have to be careful, because the invisible scar would not grow any hair while the scalp above and below the scar would grow hair. This would be seen in the transition of early growth of the hair above and below the scar. When the hair is long enough, it will not be a problem because his hair stylist will account for the absence of hair from the scar.
We don’t always shave the head. As a matter of fact, we don’t shave the entire scalp in the area we work much of the time. That becomes a choice of the patient.
Finally, SMP is not real hair. SMP is applied under the skin, like a tattoo. It cannot possibly remove, erase, or make scars completely invisible. We do our best to blend in the scar and make it look less obvious, but the scar will always be there and will be noticed in certain lighting and at certain viewing angles. The goal is for the casual observer to not notice the scar.
Great thing about SMP!!The scars are totally invisible and never shows any difference as compared to a normal head. Is the effect permanent over the time period and will it enhance the hair growth?