Why Was My Daughter Born with a Large Bald Spot?
My now 2 year old daughter was presented at birth with a large bald spot on her scalp (from the frontal part to the vertex part) its about 2-3 in long and 1.5 in wide. plz help I dont know what treatment to decide since I dont even know exactly what kind of congenital defect/disorder of the scalp/hair it is
There are multiple possible causes for this, but there is little information supplied. Most bald spots are acquired, unlike your daughter’s situation. Bald spots in children can be treated with a variety of modalities, including hair transplantation and balloon expanders. These expanders work best when the bald spots are large (like what you described with your daughter).
The best age to treat the child needs to be discussed with the surgeons that have the experience. Generally, that will be a special type of plastic surgeon who can do expanders if the bald area is very large. I don’t have any personally recommendations on the east coast (where you indicated you’re from), but if you’d like I can ask some of my colleagues in that area if they can recommend someone.
There is multiple reasons, but first one, most common, is that you have in family hair bold.. just guessing, sorry for my english. Keep at good posting in Advance, and hope you will resolve it.
I was born with the exact same thing. they said my skull was not fully developed because I was premature. I had scalp reduction done when I was 5 because of sunburning issues. The bald spot will start to retun at about 11. Save your money though, because insurance won’t cover it at this point. It will just be a constant parasite of her self esteem through high school if you don’t get the second surgery, I know. I’m a guy. I can’t imagige having it as a girl. The spot will crud up as it’s healing. DO NOT TOUCH IT!!! It is easy to open and that will leave scar tissue.
Hi there. I know this is an old post but my boy was born with the same thing at 2011. I was wandering what you decided to do and if you did any surgeries yet. I was born with the same thing and as a girl at the age of 12 I started to be bothered. I always had my hair in pony tail and wanted to start showing my long hair off. I decided to do the surgeries but because my parents decided against skin expansion I had 4 smaller surgeries and still have a small spot on my head. Now this was 30 years ago and now that it was recommended for my son I am having the same concerns but am leaning towards the balloons just so that he is not going through so many surgeries.
What are your thoughts??