Will Blocking DHT Make Me More Feminine?
- If MPB is not about blood flow and DHT blocking blood flow causing hair loss, then what the hell is Minoxidil for? Isn’t it a vasodilator, which has to do with blood flow?
- Regarding DHT…if I’m taking Propecia and/or Saw Palmetto, and DHT is essential for men and to differentiate between men and women, by blocking DHT will this cause me to have more feminine characteristics? Also, I’ve read DHT may (emphasis) affect facial and body hair growth if taken at a young age (I’m 20), but will it affect height growth, muscle growth (bodybuilding), or any other hormone related things?
Thanks, I appreciate it!
- A side effect of minoxidil is that it causes hair growth. When the drug was originally released, it was an oral antihypertensive drug that did not work well, but they noticed that women grew mustaches and beards from systemic use. The connection between being a vasodilator has nothing to do with its hair growth side effect.
- Blocking DHT will not make you more feminine. Propecia will not make you feminine. You are asking questions about your medication management and I can not take those questions on without being your doctor. Discuss these with your prescribing physician.
william rassman
i am citizen of india, you have said that, can take minoxidil for growing of body hair. but in india from where am i bought it? can i take it from any medicine shop? but i kwon that maximum shop generally dont have this. so, u pls suggest that from where am i bought it? pls response.