Woman with Tingling Scalp Pain; Doctors Can’t Find Anything (with Photos)
I am a 22 year old female, active, healthy diet. For a year I have slowly been experiencing some form of hairloss. It seems that with every hair that falls out there is nothing to take its place. I have been to the dermatologist 3 times, and had a skin biopsy that came back perfect. The Derm gave me tetracyclen to try but after 4months I found it wasn’t working. She then sent me to a rheumotologist who see’s no signs of lupus etc. But saw in my blood work that there could be something wrong with antibodies?, she has given me APO-Hydroxyquine 200mg to try for 4 months. With my hairloss I feel a lot of tingly, burning and pain which makes me feel that this would be a skin situation, apparently it isnt though because of my clear scalp biopsy! When i get these tingling sensations in my head I will also sometimes feel the same pain on my nose, back and shoulder. I have sent you a photo to help! I have been reading your blog and trust your word more than anyone else.

Thank you for the compliment and the trust, but I really am not your doctor and I do not have the luxury of examining you in person. I do not take your trust for granted and I do appreciate you sending me photos with permission to publish them here.
Moreover, it seems you have been evaluated by many doctors for your condition. I realize that you are frustrated and confused about your condition and lack of improvement despite various treatments. The best advice I can offer you is this — what doctors do is often referred to the “practice of medicine†and not a complete “science of medicineâ€. I realize this isn’t what you want to hear (or read, as the case may go), but this points to the fact that sometimes we (physicians) are just as confused as you (patients) and sometimes there are no good treatments to offer. If you want a medical opinion, you must establish a doctor/patient relationship and that is something that just can not be done over the internet.
I have the same problem.
I’ve just been to a dermatologist, but I’m not expecting miracles. My theory on the whole thing is my posture and circulation as a result.
I’m stuck working at a computer, and my lower back, for lack of a better description, sucks.
Lately I’ve tried sleeping flat on my back (which is rather, uncomfortable and painful). but I wake up with my previously itchy, tight scalp feeling wonderfully squishy, and no pain, tingling or whatever. I’m going to see a chiropractor soon, so we’ll see if that helps.
Just try this. Look at other health issues you feel you have. And then look at things as a whole. See what might be affecting your body.
Wow I have the same thing there. I’d love to hear from you if you ever found resulution. If you ever read this and could respond I’d love to hear back from you. I get the pink scalp too, I can see your pinkness. Been to over 10 docs and nothing so far, but I don’t feel well on top of this. Extreme fatigue, joint pain. I think it’s a faulty immune system.
I have similar problems. It’s been going on for years. Please, please reply if you’ve found a solution.