Dr Rassman on The Great American Dream Vote
I received quite a few emails today from readers of Balding Blog that saw me on the new Great American Dream Vote television show last night on ABC. Thanks for writing in to let me know you saw the program. I was only on there for a few moments as part of the prize package for the dream winner named Russ, but it was a fun experience. Russ is a very nice 22 year old college student with significant hair loss — Norwood Class 6/7 balding pattern (Class 7 is the worst with only a 3 inch rim of normal hair around the side and back of the head and Russ is already close to that pattern).
The basic idea of the show is that a number of everyday folks are selected to go up on stage to tell the audience what their dream is (from opening a flower shop to opening a dog rescue shelter to having a full head of hair) — and eventually the contestants are narrowed down to only 2. Those 2 contestants are then voted for by the home audience by a toll-free phone number, and the person with the highest amounts of votes gets their wish. Young Russ was chosen! He will receive hair transplant surgery at the New Hair Institute, as well as a bevy of other prizes (of which I have nothing to do with)! He’s been quite overwhelmed by all the attention he’s received and has headed back home to get back to his schooling. He’ll be back out to my Los Angeles office very soon to have his procedure performed, and I’ll be sure to post photos of his results as the updates are sent to my office. In the meantime, here are some photos I took at his consultation that really show off how much work he needs. Click the photos to enlarge.

Isn’t he too young and too bald for a transplant?
He’s not too bald for a transplant. I’ve transplanted many men with his pattern of hair loss with good results. As for his age, I generally feel men in their early 20s are not good candidates for transplantation simply because many want to have fill-in work without knowing the full scope of their future hair loss (which can be difficult to see in younger patients). With this patient, the future loss is quite evident.
i have a similar kinda problem.. would be interesting to know the results.. have been considering transplant too. i am a 26 year old male with similar miniaturization and hair loss pattern.! what kinda procedure would u recommend for such a patient? is he a good candidate for FOX ? or a regular strip surgery? isnt strip surgery outdated and direct hair implant the latest technique in hair transplant.. doc ur reply will be invaluable for me to decide on this kinda treatment!! thanks in advance!
Dr. Rassman,
I’m quite interested in seeing the results from the 22 year old that you transplanted.
Can you send me details on the work you did? And can you tell me which kind of procedure you recommend; the usual strip surgery or the FOX?
He had a strip procedure, but as he’s not local to my office I’ve been unable to get good, clear photos of his results to post. I’ll post an update with photos when possible.