Dr. Rassman,
What would you recommend to readers who would like to try to stay on top of developments in the treatment of hair loss? For example, what sorts of publications do you follow to keep up on the field yourself? It’d be nice to get an idea of what research groups are out there attacking the problem, what they’re trying, what kinds of results they’re seeing, etc. Any ideas?
The Hair Transplant Forum is a publication that comes out every other month. The time from submittal to publication of any article is relatively short, so this is something that has value for me. Although there is an editorial staff that review the articles, it is not subject to the strict standard like other more formal publication like Dermatologic Surgery. The field of dermatology has adopted hair transplant science into its foundation, so articles that focus on dermatology often discuss breakthrough ideas. I belong to an email group of about 34 doctors from around the world and this group supplies me with up-to-date breakthroughs well in advance of more formal publication sources. At times, I am shown articles that get published in journals that I do not receive, so that helps me even further. Also, through the emails I receive from BaldingBlog, many of my readers comb the literature and news and they have been able to point me in important directions for more research. In conclusion, there is not any single source for staying up on breakthroughs, but staying tuned to industry sources get me to the forefront of what is going on.
Tags: hairloss, hair loss, hairtransplant, hair transplant, publications, journals