There is no doubt that personalities change with balding, and when I do a hair transplant, they often change for the better radically. I see that in many celebrities I have done. They feel that the hair transplant not only changed their appearance but changed their effectiveness in their acting careers.
I’m sitting at about a Norwood 1.25 or so right now, and was wondering if I could restore it to at least a 1 reliably with only min since I caught it early. I’m also horrified of the dreaded shed making it appear worse, will this be lessened since I caught it early?
The younger you are, the better the chance that finasteride might work on the hairline. This does not mean restoring the juvenile hairline and reversing the mature hairline, but I am referring to real hairline recession in men under 22 years old. Although, I have seen this happen in older men under 30 less frequently.
I zoomed in on the thinning that this man believes he has. Some of the questionable miniaturized hairs have been identified by me, but the percentage of miniaturized hairs is less than 20%, which means that this is not thinning in the medical diagnostic sense.
No, these drugs kick in quickly but it may take months to see the value of their use.
Dr. Rassman’s comment: Dr. Cotsarelis is one of the most well known regenerative medicine experts in the world so this summary should has great interest for the readers of this blog. I congratulate Dr. Cotsarelis and Dr. Wang for this very interesting research project.
Source: News & views
Hair-bearing skin grown in a dish, Authors: Leo L. Wang & George Cotsarelis
Undifferentiated human stem cells have been coaxed to develop into skin-like structures in vitro. When engrafted onto mice, the structures produce hair — highlighting the potential
of the approach for regenerative therapies
When hair follicles were first generated from stem cells that had been isolated from adult mouse skin1 , Jay Leno — a former host of US talk show The Tonight Show — joked that scientists “cured baldness … at least in mice”. Sixteen years on, the current host will have the opportunity to mention that scientists have ‘cured’ baldness in humans, now that Lee et al. 2 , writing in Nature, have regenerated hair follicles from human stem cells. This achievement places us closer to generating a limitless supply of hair follicles that can be transplanted to the scalps of people who have thinning or no hair. Moreover, if the approach reaches the clinic, individuals who have wounds, scars and genetic skin diseases will have access to revolutionary treatments. Research into skin-tissue engineering began in 1975, when a landmark study showed that cells called keratinocytes could be isolated from the surface layer of a person’s skin (the epidermis)3 , and the cell population expanded in culture. Almost a decade later, sheets of keratinocytes isolated from people with burns were transplanted back to the individuals they came from as life-saving, permanent engraftments4 . This work was the foundation for another remarkable achievement in 2017, when a boy who had a genetic disease called junctional epidermolysis bullosa (which causes severe fragility of the skin) had his epidermis replaced with genetically corrected cells5 . For this type of cell-based approach to advance further, grafted skin must include more of the components found in normal skin: hair follicles, pigment-producing melanocyte cells, sweat glands, nerves, muscle, fat and immune cells, in addition to epidermal cells. Enter Lee and colleagues. The authors leveraged research from the fields of stemcell biology and hair-follicle development6 to generate near-complete skin organoids — self-organizing tissues grown in the laboratory that mimic developing skin. Organoids have been grown to imitate various organs, including the gut, lung, kidney and brain7 . Because organs consist of many cell types, organoids are typically formed from pluripotent stem cells, which have the ability to form all adult cell types. These can be embryonic stem cells or induced pluripotent stem cells, which are created by reprogramming adult cells to an embryonic-like state8 . The epidermis and the dermis — the skin’s other main component — are derived from different cell types in the early embryo. Lee et al. optimized the culture conditions needed to generate skin organoids containing both components from human pluripotent stem cells. The authors sequentially added growth factors to the stem cells. First, they used BMP4 and an inhibitor of the transcription factor TGF-? to induce formation of the epidermis. Next, they treated the cells with the growth factor FGF2 and an inhibitor of BMP, to induce the formation of cranial neural crest cells, which give rise to the dermis. The cells grew in a sphere. After more than 70 days, follicles began to appear, which ultimately produced hair (Fig. 1). Most hairs were pigmented by melanocytes, which also develop from the cranial neural crest. Tissues associated with hair follicles — such as sebaceous glands, nerves and their receptors, muscles and fat — developed, too, leading to the formation of remarkably complete skin in a dish9 . One missing component, however, was immune cells, which normally reside in and around hair follicles, and have diverse roles in the skin10. Lee and colleagues found that their organoids expressed genes that were characteristic of skin from the chin, cheek and ear. Interestingly, dermal cells on the scalp might also derive from the neural crest11. This suggests that the organoids might actually mimic scalp skin, and also highlights that it could be possible to tailor the authors’ protocol to generate skin that has the characteristics of Regenerative medicine Hair-bearing skin grown in a dish Leo L. Wang & George Cotsarelis Undifferentiated human stem cells have been coaxed to develop into skin-like structures in vitro. When engrafted onto mice, the structures produce hair — highlighting the potential of the approach for regenerative therapies. Pluripotent stem cells Epidermal layer Dermal layer Fat-cell layer Organoid Latent period Transplant Epidermal differentiation using BMP4 and TGF-? inhibitor Dermal differentiation using FGF2 and BMP4 inhibitor Baldness Wound healing Genetic skin disorders Hair follicle Figure 1 | Skin grown in vitro as a future clinical therapy. Lee et al. 2 grew human pluripotent stem cells (which can give rise to all cell types) into spherical skin-like structures called organoids in vitro. To achieve this, they treated the cells with growth factors (BMP4 and a TGF-? inhibitor) that promote growth of the skin’s epidermal layer and then with other growth factors (FGF2 and a BMP4 inhibitor) that induce formation of the dermal layer (a fat-cell layer also forms at this stage). After a long latent period (more than 70 days), the full complement of skin cells formed in the organoid, including around 50 hair follicles. When the organoids are implanted into skin, the hair follicles naturally orient themselves in the correct direction. It is possible that these organoids could be used to treat baldness and genetic skin disorders, and to promote wound healing. Nature | 1 News & views © 2 0 2 0 S p ri n g e r N a t u r e Li mi t e d. Al l ri g h t s r e s e r v e d. different body sites, by altering the culture conditions in which the cells are grown. The group’s organoids will be a perfect tool for analyzing the roles of various biological pathways in skin development — small-molecule inhibitors or inhibitory RNA molecules can be used to block proteins or pathways and to investigate the effects on skin growth. The organoids can be used in combination with genome-wide association studies or other genetic data to analyze how particular genetic mutations alter skin development. They can also help to model diseases of the skin and hair and to screen experimental drugs for any toxicities and for their efficacy. Beyond these in vitro benefits, the authors demonstrated that the organoids have therapeutic potential in vivo. They transplanted the organoids onto immunodeficient mice (to ensure the graft was not rejected by the animals’ immune system), and showed that just over half of organoids go on to form hair, which is distributed over the surface of the graft. This illustrates the exciting potential of introducing skin organoids into wounds to encourage healing and prevent scarring, or transplanting them into areas lacking hair. However, several questions remain before this therapeutic approach becomes a reality. For instance, how efficiently and reproducibly do hairs develop? How many cells are needed to eventually form a hair follicle once grafted? Lee et al. began to answer the first of these questions by showing that a separate laboratory could grow hair in organoids using the same culture conditions. However, dealing with variability between individual stem cells and between the stem cells from different people are daunting challenges. The prolonged length of time required for organoids to develop hair follicles mimics fetal skin development12. Similarly, in both settings, the skin undergoes a latent ‘resting’ phase before follicles begin to grow. This is a fascinating area for future study. However, it took 140 days before organoids were ready for engraftment, which could impede the therapeutic potential of the work — someone with burns, for instance, cannot wait that long for a skin graft. Further studies to understand the molecular events taking place during this latent phase should provide strategies for accelerating this process using molecules that alter relevant signaling pathways. Several other aspects of the authors’ approach will also need to be optimized before it can move to the clinic. The hairs that grew in the current study were small; in future, further optimization of culture conditions will be needed to form large scalp hairs. Better characterization of some components used in the culture cocktail — such as a protein mixture called Matrigel — will be necessary to ensure that they comply with good manufacturing practices. And future work might need to move away from using pluripotent stem cells, which can have undesirable side effects, such as promoting tumor formation. An appealing alternative might be to use adult stem cells. Despite these caveats, Lee and colleagues’ study is a major step towards a ‘cure’ for baldness in humans, and paves a way towards other, greater therapeutic possibilities. At a minimum, it is worth a shout-out on a late-night show. The work holds great promise of clinical translation — we are confident that research will eventually see this promise realized. Leo L. Wang and George Cotsarelis are in the Department of Dermatology, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104, USA. e-mails:; 1. Morris, R. J. et al. Nature Biotechnol. 22, 411–417 (2004). 2. Lee, J. et al. Nature 2352-3 (2020). 3. Rheinwald, J. G. & Green, H. Cell 6, 331–343 (1975). 4. Gallico, G. G. III, O’Connor, N. E., Compton, C. C., Kehinde, O. & Green, H. N. Engl. J. Med. 311, 448–451 (1984). 5. Hirsch, T. et al. Nature 551, 327–332 (2017). 6. Saxena, N., Mok, K.-W. & Rendl, M. Exp. Dermatol. 28, 332–344 (2019). 7. Rossi, G., Manfrin, A. & Lutolf, M. P. Nature Rev. Genet. 19, 671–687 (2018). 8. Takahashi, K. & Yamanaka, S. Cell 126, 663–676 (2006). 9. Plikus, M. V. et al. Science 355, 748–752 (2017). 10. Kobayashi, T. et al. Cell 176, 982–997 (2019). 11. Ziller, C. in Hair Research for the Next Millenium: Proc. 1st Tricont. Meet. Hair Res. Socs (eds Randall, V. A. et al.) 19–23 (Elsevier, 1996). 12. Pinkus, H. in The Biology of Hair Growth (eds Montagna, W. & Ellis, R. A.) 1–32 (Academic, 1958)
Dr. Rassman’s Comments: Reflecting on things we have known for some time: ‘men seem to die 2.4 times more than women for Covid-19’. Now there seems to be evidence that balding men somehow have a higher risk of death compared to non-balding men with regard to complications for Covid-19 as it relates the way the virus interacts with testosterone levels. The mechanism here and the full evidence is yet unclear.
Hello, as the title says, I have vitamin D deficiency (10.22 ng/mL, below 20 ng/mL) and severe diffuse thinning. I’m talking shitty hair density all around the scalp, the top, front, back and sides. Basically, all scalp is visible. However, I still retain my Nw1 hair line from 18 years old(currently 20) or so. My father is bald but his baldness started out in a classic horse shoe pattern until Nw6-7 and that started in his mid 20s till 30s. My hair loss started by shedding 150-200 hairs every shower starting 13-14 years old which lasted for a few years(stopped at about 17-18 yrs old) leaving me with shitty density all around. Could fixing my vit D deficiency improve the situation on it’s own or do I need to complement it with minox/fin/rolling?
Fix the Vitamin D problem first. As we know, it can cause hair loss if the Vitamin D levels are very low.
The shed can be an acceleration of the balding process which, at times, lead men to blame the drug not their genetic balding.
Here is picture of a woman who has probably lost 80% of all of her hair in a uniform manner. You could see through the hair and see bald scalp; however, this women learned that by using creative styling, she could actually look like she has almost no hair loss. It is wonderful to know that the old cliche applies here ‘where there is a will there is a way’
I’m a diffuse thinner, and while my hair is paper thin, I technically don’t have a completely bald spot on my whole head. Does a thin hair mean there’s a chance it can be revitalized?
No. Thinning is not an easy diagnosis to make and it requires a trichoscope and an expert doctor to understand the cause and if there is an effective treatment for which a hair transplant is often not appropriate.
The International Society for Hair Restoration Surgeons gives out an award for the best hair transplant clinician every year. For its 27 years history, there are 27 winners (I am one of the award winners given the Golden Follicle Award) so look to and find one that suits you in your country of origin. They are voted in by an entire society of over 1000 doctors world-wide.
Since we’ve last spoken, my condition has significantly bettered. My sexual function is comparable to my base line(pre-finasteride). However, I had to play with the frequency and dosing to get to this position. I’m now at a lower dose, however, I am showing symptoms similar to what most believe to be brain fog/diminished cognitive ability. However, I think that this may be a nocebo effect as I’ve since lowered my dosage, this decreases the plasma and serum concentrations of the drug. In regards to such, it would make sense that my onset for the diminished cognitive function would occur when I was at a higher dose, and not at the one I’m at now.
Let me know your new dose and if the Brain Fog goes away in the next few weeks.
I’m 23 and 6 months old at a nw 2.5 right now. I’m not trying to get a full hair transplant back to square one but maybe one to fill in my temples a little more. Would I have to wait till 25?
You need to find a good doctor who can predict your long term balding pattern. I tell people that a little transplant is like being a little pregnant, no such thing. The impact of a hair transplant, regardless of its size, is significant on your long term future (see here: ). I think that as you look at this picture, your plan should be worked with an honest and capable doctor who can tell you more about you than you know, including getting a HAIR CHECK test ( ).
4 dermatologist and 1 urologist. All of them said the same thing; It is safe. They said that side effect risks are very low and most of the people who get sides are in nocebo group. Because of that, my urologist recommended me to stop reading about finasteride in web and forget about side effects before I start the medication. They are not believing in post finasteride syndrom they said it’s a coinsidence and different body, hormon issues lying behind it. So in their opinion if you get sides and quit the drug, everything should be back to normal after 30-90 days. Also they suggest three times a week 0.5mg to me (20 years old, diffuse thinning on top).
I agree with their opinions; however, I would start at half the dose of 0.5mg/day or 1mg every other day (which is 80% as effective as the full dose) The dose that they recommended may at bit too low to get the impact you need.
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