I Have a Full Head of Hair But I Want to Go Bald!
Fantastic website, thank you! I have an unusual, but serious question. Is there anyway to artificially start hair loss in a man who is not genetically predisposed to do so? I am 27, and currently show no signs whatsoever of balding, but I dislike the color and texture of my hair and would prefer to go completely bald. Shaving it regularly is a pain.
I would think most of the readers of this site would be shocked to hear you want to go bald.
Unfortunately (?) if you don’t have the baldness genes, you’re not going to lose hair from genetics. If shaving is something you are tired of and you want a permanent solution, I am sure you can try laser hair removal… but that would be costly, painful, and it would take many treatment sessions. I really don’t know. I’m in the business of growing hair, not removing it. Good luck.
What a Douche. It’s like wanting to get cancer when he’s healthy. Only people who have hair loss can only understand the pain.