I am a male, age 59. Have been diagnosed with high blood pressure and control it with Diovan and Lasic. My father is near bald.
What if any products, medicines might I take to control the loss and hopefully regrowth of the hair I have lost?
THank you.
If you want a medical treatment for your hair loss, you should start by seeing your doctor and asking about medications such as Propecia or Rogaine. Propecia and Rogaine are the only two medications proven and approved by the FDA for the treatment of hair loss. There are also surgical options such as hair transplantation surgery. For more information you can visit NewHair.com.
If you are asking if there are any blood pressure medications that do not produce hair loss at all, the answer is probably no as a class of drugs, but yes for individual drugs that may have to be tested in you. This is something you need to work out with your doctor. Your blood pressure and heart should be more important than your hair.