Can you give me your opinion about MesoHair (or mesotherapy)? Just from reading this article, it sounds like it is INJECTIONS in the scalp. Is this better than taking a pill?!?! It says “virtually painless” but I can’t see how injecting stuff into my head can be without pain. The article is at
I can not answer this with any authority. I read the page referenced above and am not convinced that problems of vitamin deficiency are a cause of the hair loss in many normal healthy people who have a good diet. There is a suggestion on that website that this therapy “delivers long-acting neutralizing effects on the DHT hormone” and I have a hard time understanding how this is done. If there was proof, I would love to see it, but as it exists, these appear to be just claims. I suggest that you use Google, as I have, to search out the history and science behind this approach and read the above reference carefully. “Let the buyer beware” is an axiom that still applies.
Just to be clear, the above linked “article” is actually just a press release rather than an independent news story.