I’m really concerned about my hair loss. It is really beginning to consume my whole life and I feel so down about it. I want to get finasteride now before it really is too late to make a difference and at least conserve what I have. The only trouble is I live in a small town where everyone knows everyone and I’m way too embarrassed to go to my doctor,plus he might just tell me to forget it and get on with my life.
A consultant dermatologist is way too expensive for me. My only option other than those is online which I can afford but I cant be sure they’ll be real. I’m really getting to my wits end. Is there anywhere online that’s genuine and not a rip off. Any other suggestions? Thanks.
Sorry, but online pharmacies that don’t ask for a prescription are illegal and I’m not going to condone them here.
Anything discussed between you and your physician is private and confidential. They would be breaking a federal law and their Hippocratic Oath if they breach your privacy. It is much like the lawyer/client confidentiality. We are all professionals. Go see your doctor. Remember, the longer you wait to get your hair loss treatment started, the more hair you could lose. Catching the hair loss early is key.