Class 2/3 Patient Just 5 Days After FUE Procedure (with Photos)
This patient is clearly not balding, or marginally so. He is in his mid 30’s and he did not like the corner ‘recession’. At worst, he may be a Norwood class 2 or 3. He just wanted a cosmetic improvement to lower his hairline the way it always was before it moved upward. His hair was medium coarse so only 800 grafts were needed and the probability will be that this one session might meet his orbjective because of the medium-coarse hair. The risk of shock loss was discussed and was considered minimum. He is not on Propecia (finasteride). He did not experience any shock loss anytime after the procedure.
The following results photos were taken only 5 days after follicular unit extraction (FUE) surgery of 800 grafts. What you see are small scabs with short hair stubble. These scabs and hairs will fall out within a week from the date of surgery and he will look like he never had surgery by that time. The transplanted hairs will start to grow in the coming months.
The reason I wanted to show these photos is to point out how easy it was for the patient and his recovery. You can barely notice anything in his donor or his recipient areas.
Click the photos to enlarge.
After (just 5 days post-surgery):


I wish I had this person’s hairline. Even in his before pictures he was not even balding like Dr. Rassman pointed out. How old is this patient?
NW 2 or 3!? He’s like a NW 1 to 1.5 max. This guy is crazy to do a transplant
I think its cool that he could get such a perfectly straight hairline – if he’s not balding then all power to him, he’s not going to have to worry about multiple transplants in future as he’s set for life now. But yeah I agree – you’d class that as a possible NW3? Really? He’s barely what some men with a mature hairline have in the before photos and easily a fully juvenile hairline afterwards – but hey it’s his hair and hairline, good on him for taking that step. Good to see a HT like that for minor refinement rather than just the spectacular NW7 coverage types.
Definitely not necessary but to each their own. Wonder if this patient was advised to take finasteride prior to the surgery to prevent shock loss to neighbouring hairs. And if so, whether he was advised to continue to take finasteride after the surgery to prevent future loss. If he was/is on finasteride, simply not worth it based on his minimal level of hair loss, in my opinion. I’m sure many wish they had that much hair!