Extreme Sudden Female Hair Loss Following Traumatic Car Accident
I had car accident recently.I am 40 year old female. I did pass out after the accident due to stress but other then that there was no injury to my physical body. My car is at total loss. Later when I came home and had shower I lost about one fourth of my hair while washing my hair. This kind of sudden hair loss was strange. Only thing I can think is we did end up gently vacuuming the hair to remove glass pieces from my hair which was in fact advised by the hospital. Are you aware of any reports like this? Would it grow back?
I have never heard of losing 1/4 of your hair after a car accident from stress. It is indeed very strange. Perhaps your perception of losing 1/4 of your total hair is a bit exaggerated or the accident just called your attention to something already going on? I do not think gentle or even harsh vacuuming the scalp to remove glass debris would pull out that much hair (it would really hurt). I think only time will tell if your hair will grow back (about 6 to 12 months).
So sorry to hear about you accident. Try not to worry, hair loss following a traumatic event is actually quite common. Some women experience significant-total hair loss after giving birth for example, it can also happen following a shock (such as yours) or at a time of high emotion for example a family death.
I run a leading online wig store (www.wonderlandwigs.co.uk) and come across many many instances like yours. In most cases the hair does grow back, so try your best not to worry, the most important thing is that you are ok :)
Sam xx
Is it possible that this woman’s “passing out due to stress” was in fact caused by some kind of mild head trauma (perhaps without her even remembering it)?
If so, she might need her pituitary checked…it’s extremely vulnerable to mild head injuries and episodes of unconsciousness (particularly if any hypoxia occurs).
I was just in a car accident recently-the same thing of a lesser degree happened to me. After the accident, I took a shower and pulled a lot of loose strands out of my hair. I don’t loose a lot of hair when I shower or brush my hair so this was definently a result of the accident.
The exact same thing happned to me! I dont remember bumping my head in the accident, I was shaken up tho, especially after the ambulance driver grabbed my boob in the physical examination!
I walked our of the ambulance and threw my identification on the roof of the police car and told the police I was going home! And thats where he could find me to answer any questions regarding the accident.
I jumped in the shower to wash out any little pieces if glass that I had un my hair
And hand fulls apon hand fulls of hair came out, this continued for the next couple if days!
I lost 1/4 to 1/2 of my hair!!
At the time I couldnt find anything relatung to this happening to anyone else!
My family doctor doubted it had to di with the accident
But there is no questiin in my mind!
I never expierienced anything like it before or after this event
I literally have had the exact same thing happen with me! I was in a minor car accident. The damage to my vehicle was not significant, but the second time the woman hit me I was turning my neck to see where the first impact came from and heard a pop in my neck. I have had many months of chiropractic visits with little help to the pain I still feel. A few weeks after the incident I literally lost 1/3 of my hair. It came out in handfuls! It stopped for a short period and now it has rapidly picked back up. I can see all the way through my hair to the crown of my head like a balding older man. I could never see through my hair. I had very thick hair. I have now lost 2/3 of my hair. I had my blood and Thyroid tested with no abnormalities. I am convinced this was due to a minor concussion which has thrown my hormones out of whack. It is comforting to see that this is not in my head and that there are other people dealing with very similar issues. My heart goes out to all of you!